Figure 5.
Example parvalbumin (PV) interneuron preictal and interictal events (Ai and Bi). The recording configuration for the example traces, below, with a whole cell, voltage-clamp, pyramidal cell (PC) recording (triangle and striped electrode) and a cell-attached recording of action potentials in a PV interneuron (circle and clear electrode). The blue traces are from PV interneurons in which PGC-1α is not expressed (PGC-1αPV−/− mice); the black traces are from PV interneurons recorded in wild-type brain slices. The underlying panels show example pairs of recordings of “preictal” discharges (before the first SLE, Aii, Bii) and “interictal” discharges (after the first SLE, but between SLE events, Aiii, Biii). For each paired recording, the top traces show the cell-attached interneuron recording and the lower traces show the whole cell pyramidal recording.