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. 2021 Sep 9;150(11):2387–2407. doi: 10.1037/xge0001049

Table 1. Identification Response Frequencies Made by Subjects in Young, Middle, and Late Childhood at Different Postidentification Confidence Levels in Target-Present and Target-Absent Lineups.

Young Middle Late
Target present Target absent Target present Target absent Target present Target absent
Confidence Culprit Filler Reject Filler Reject Culprit Filler Reject Filler Reject Culprit Filler Reject Filler Reject
Note. Confidence was collected using a pictorial 5-point water cup rating scale. Empty cup = “not at all sure” to Full cup = “very sure.” Because of rounding, proportions do not always appear to add up to 1.
Empty cup 6 9 32 9 36 1 3 6 5 11 0 1 0 4 3
¼ full cup 7 6 14 5 18 9 7 19 21 23 12 4 11 19 12
½ full cup 13 17 24 22 25 53 25 28 46 71 59 14 48 45 70
¾ full cup 19 15 23 22 21 51 25 50 41 84 77 10 35 32 76
Full cup 80 50 70 62 112 55 11 54 37 112 32 4 22 5 45
Total 125 97 163 120 212 169 71 157 150 301 180 33 116 105 206
Proportion .32 .25 .42 .36 .64 .43 .18 .40 .33 .67 .55 .10 .35 .34 .66