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. 2022 Jan 3;22:6. doi: 10.1186/s12884-021-04311-5

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of participations

n = 5030
n = 22,608
χ2/Z P value
Age a 32.00 (28.00,35.00) 32.00 (29.00,35.00) −2.889 0.004
Gestational age (weeks)a 39.57 (38.71,40.29) 39.57 (38.71,40.29) 0.614 0.539
Graviditya 2.00 (2.00,4.00) 2.00 (1.00,3.00) 15.750 < 0.001
Paritya 1.00 (0.00,2.00) 1.00 (0.00,1.00) 25.976 < 0.001
Maternal height (cm) a 162.60 (157.50,167.60) 163.00 (160.00,168.00) −5.915 < 0.001
Maternal BMI (kg/(m)2)a 28.95 (26.08,32.53) 29.21 (26.42,32.89) −3.422 0.001
Baby height (cm) a 50.00 (48.30,52.00) 50.50 (48.30,52.10) −5.013 < 0.001
Baby weight (kg) a 3.35 (3.04,3.65) 3.35 (3.04,3.66) −0.160 0.873
Preterm deliveryb 287 (5.7%) 1261 (5.6%) 0.128 0.721
Multiple pregnancyb 29 (0.6%) 490 (2.2%) 56.513 < 0.001
Inductionb 810 (16.1%) 7536 (33.0%) 579.495 < 0.001
Oxytocinb 949 (18.9%) 12,513 (55.3%) 2191.814 < 0.001
Operative deliveryb 95 (1.9%) 1744 (7.7%) 224.805 < 0.001
Ethnicb 195.759 < 0.001
 White 2820 (56.1%) 14,968 (66.2%)
 Black 597 (11.9%) 1818 (8.0%)
 others 1613 (32.1%) 5822 (25.8%)

Data presented as n (%) or median (interquartile range); SVD Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery; NAD Neuroaxial Analgesia Delivery

aThe non-normal distribution continuous data were presented as median (interquartile range), the data were compared using Mann-Whitney U test (Z)

bThe categorical data were presented as numbers (frequencies, %), Chi-square test was used for categorical data (χ2)