(A) PCA showing separation of aCSF control (C, red) and cLTP (L, blue).
(B) Heatmap of all PiSCES that were ANC∩CNA significant for the cLTP versus control comparison, meaning they are significant by the ANC statistical test and belong to a CNA module that is significantly correlated with cLTP treatment. Each column represents a single biological replicate, N = 8, and each box represents a single PiSCES measurement.
(C) Graphs comparing the log2 fold change of two example PiSCES, Homer1_SynGAP and PIKE_PIKE, that were ANC∩CNA-significant in both cLTP and 15-min GLUT experiments. Points represent a ratio between the aCSF condition and the respective stimulation, N = 4 per treatment.
(D) x-y plot comparing the log2 fold change (FC) of all PiSCES that were ANC∩CNA significant for either the cLTP experiment (blue), the 15 min glutamate time point (red), or both experiments (purple).