Figure 1.
Substantial proportion of patients on dialysis have absent or attenuated RBD antibody response to COVID-19 vaccination. In this figure, each marker represents an individual semiquantitative RBD IgG index value in the time period related to vaccination. Blue circles represent persons who did not have evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection before vaccination (seronegative prior to vaccination cohort); green markers represent persons who did have evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection before vaccination (seropositive prior to vaccination cohort). The overlying gray lines represent median with IQR. The IgG index values assay range is from 0.5 to 150, but index values greater than one are considered reactive. In the seropositive before vaccination cohort, the RBD IgG value closest to vaccination is graphed; otherwise, for both cohorts, the value most proximal to the start of each time period is graphed. Although 1140 and 493 patients were included in the two cohorts (because they received at least one vaccine dose at the time of the study), all patients do not have values available for each time period, because these depend on the timing of the vaccination and the routine monthly blood draw. The numbers above the figure show the numbers of persons with a result available in the seronegative and seropositive cohorts for each time period. The table below provides estimates for prevalence of no seroconversion on the total RBD Ig assay, and absent (index value less than one) and attenuated (index value greater than one but less than ten) semiquantitative RBD IgG, respectively.