Comparisons of citrate anticoagulation with calcium containing solutions among different disease groups; LD, patients with liver disease (Red line); SEP, patients with sepsis in the absence of liver disease (Green line); NSLD, patients without sepsis or liver disease (Blue line). Filter period is a 6-hour block from the use of each filter to the change and time zero means every new start of CRRT after filter change. (a) Post filter ionized calcium level, dotted line in the middle shows iCa level of 0.35mmol/L : target postfilter iCa level for patients without liver disease, 0.25~0.35 mmol/L; patients with liver disease, 0.35~0.45 mmol/L (b) Peripheral ionized calcium level, two dotted lines show target range of 0.85~ 1.05 mmol/L. (c) 4% Citrate rate, (d) Serum total calcium level, (e) Calcium replacement rate (sum of the replaced calcium from calcium gluconate and Prismasol), (f) Calcium ratio, dotted line in the middle shows calcium ratio of 2.5. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.