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. 2021 Dec 21;12:778940. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.778940


Demographic and sociological distributions of patients who initiated treatment with the medicines of interest before and after the public health insurance coverage (2016–2018).

Demographic and sociological characteristics of patients included in the study No. of patients n (%) No. of patients who initiated treatment with medicines of interest before the public health insurance coverage No. of patients who initiated treatment with medicines of interest after the public health insurance coverage Test of the differences of distributions of patients who initiated treatment with medicines of interest between 2017 and 2018 No. of patients who initiated treatment with gefitinib (2016–2018) n (%) No. of patients who initiated treatment with icotinib (2016–2018) n (%) Test of the difference of distributions between patients who initiated treatment with gefitinib and patients who initiated treatment with icotinib (2016–2018)
2016 n (%) 2017 n (%) 2018 n (%) χ 2 p χ 2 p
Type of health insurance coverage
 Formal employee program enrollee entitled with government-funded supplementary health insurance coverage 73 (8.3) 0 (0.0) 38 (9.6) 35 (7.3) 7.02 0.03 51 (8.4) 22 (8.0) 2.73 0.26
 Other formal employee health insurance program enrollee 286 (32.6) 2 (20.0) 143 (36.1) 141 (29.6) 207 (34.0) 79 (28.7)
 Resident program enrollee 524 (59.3) 8 (80.0) 301 (63.1) 350 (57.6) 174 (63.3)
 Male 395 (44.7) 6 (60.0) 159 (40.2) 230 (48.2) 5.70 0.02 257 (42.3) 138 (50.0) 4.80 0.03
 Female 488 (55.3) 4 (40.0) 237 (59.8) 247 (51.8) 351 (57.7) 137 (50.0)
 <50 years old 118 (13.4) 1 (10.0) 51 (12.9) 66 (13.8) 0.82 0.85 83 (13.6) 35 (12.8) 7.57 0.06
 50–60 years old 194 (22.0) 3 (30.0) 90 (22.7) 101 (21.2) 144 (23.7) 50 (18.2)
 60–70 years old 317 (35.9) 5 (50.0) 137 (34.6) 175 (36.7) 222 (36.5) 95 (34.5)
 >70 years old 254 (28.8) 1 (10.0) 118 (29.8) 135 (28.3) 159 (26.1) 95 (34.6)
Local medical patient
 Yes 864 (97.8) 10 (100.0) 392 (99.0) 462 (96.9) 4.63 0.03 602 (99.0) 262 (95.3) 12.58 <0.01
 No 19 (2.2) 0 (0.0) 4 (1.0) 15 (3.1) 6 (1.0) 13 (4.7)
Employment status
Retired 280 (31.7) 1 (10.0) 147 (37.1)a 132 (27.7)a 264.14 <0.01 198 (32.6)* 82 (29.8)* 25.76 <0.01
Formal employed 61 (6.9) 0 (0.0) 28 (7.1)a 33 (6.9)a 44 (7.2) 17 (6.2)
Flexible employed 179 (20.3) 9 (90.0) 156 (39.4)b 14 (2.9)b 146 (24.0) 33 (12.0)
Non-employed 363 (41.1) 0 (0.0) 65 (16.4)c 298 (62.5)c 220 (36.2) 143 (52.0)
Total 883 10 396 477 608 275

Notes: Bold means that the distributions were statistically different (p < 0.05). Employment status subgroups with different superscripts implied statistically significant differences of patient distributions in 2017 and 2018; patient adopted gefitinib and icotinib for treatment after pairwise comparison with Bonferroni correction (p < 0.0083).