Figure 3.
Proliferative capacity of isolated early erythroid progenitor populations
(A) Ex vivo growth curves of FACS-isolated CD71/CD24low (n = 4) and CD71/CD24high (n = 3) cells, and magnetically isolated CD71/CD24low cells (n = 4) grown in Dex-free erythroid expansion media. Comparing points of maximum proliferation, FACS CD71/CD24low vs Magnet CD71/CD24low p = 0.860; FACS CD71/CD24low vs FACS CD71/CD24high p < 0.001; Magnet CD71/CD24low vs FACS CD71/CD24high p < 0.001.
(B) Ex vivo growth curve of FACS-isolated and magnetically isolated CD71/CD24low cells (both n = 4) grown in media supplemented with and without 100 nM Dex. Comparing points of maximum proliferation, FACS CD71/CD24low (no Dex) vs FACS CD71/CD24low (+ Dex) p < 0.001; Magnet CD71/CD24low (no Dex) vs Magnet CD71/CD24low (+ Dex) p < 0.001.
(C) Ex vivo growth curve of FACS-isolated CD71/CD24high cells (both n = 3) grown in media supplemented with and without 100 nM Dex. Comparing points of maximum proliferation, FACS CD71/CD24high (no Dex) vs FACS CD71/CD24high (+ Dex) p = 0.813. All error bars represent standard error of the mean.