Fig. 5.
Comprehensive metabolomics and RNA-seq analyses identify PSTK as a mediator of ferroptosis resistance. A KEGG enrichment analyses of genes differentially expressed following PSTK knockout. B Heatmaps demonstrating gene hits in the ferroptosis gene set. C Gene Set Enrichment Analysis demonstrating that ferroptosis-related genes were significantly enriched following PSTK knockout. D The mRNA expression levels of key ferroptosis-related genes in PSTK-KO and control cells. *p<0.05; Student’s t-test. E KEGG enrichment analysis of differentially abundant metabolites identified in negative ion mode. F KEGG enrichment analysis of differentially abundant metabolites identified in positive ion mode. G-H Volcano plots demonstrating altered metabolite levels. Metabolites associated with GSH metabolism and folate biosynthesis were significantly downregulated, while oxidized phospholipids were significantly upregulated