A) Representative images of
Helix pomatia lectin (HPL) staining in HeLa cells coexpressing wild-type GBF1 or phospho-defective mutants with active SrcEG or inactive SrcKM shown in
Figure 5C. Scale bar: 50 μm. (
B) Quantification of HPL staining levels of HeLa-IS cells coexpressing with wild-type or phospho-defective mutant GBF1 without (blue bars) or with 4 hr imidazole (imdz) treatment (pink bars). Values were from three experimental replicates. (
C) SDS-PAGE analysis of total Arf1 and GTP-loaded Arf1 in HEK293T cells expressing phospho-defective and phosphomimetic mutants of GBF1. Two experimental replicates for each condition are shown in the blot. (
D) Quantification of Arf1-GTP loading in (
C). (
E) An extension of images from time-lapse imaging of GALNT2-mCherry in HeLa cells that were either transfected with wild-type GBF1 (GBF1 WT) or phosphomimetic mutant (GBF1 Y876.898E) shown in
Figure 5G. Arrows indicate tubule formation. Scale bar: 5 μm. (
F) Quantification of the number of tubules observed in the first 30 min of acquisition. Values on graphs indicate the mean ± SD. Statistical significance (p) was measured by two-tailed paired
t-test. *p<0.05 and **p<0.001 relative to untreated (0 hr) or GFP-expressing cells. NS, nonsignificant.