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. 2019 Winter;18(4):ar58. doi: 10.1187/cbe.19-04-0080


Essay prompt 2 codes

Code Brief description Example quote Final coding
1 Change toward acceptance “Similar to the different views that Origins refers to, I would now consider myself a believer in evolutionary creationism.” Full acceptance
2 Change toward acceptance, with exception of man “I still do not believe that humans came from monkeys, but I do believe that evolution is change that is occurring over time.” Limited acceptance
3 Change toward confusion and discomfort “At the beginning of the semester, I was a lot more passive about evolution. Now I’m just confused and depending on the day, sometimes I feel like defending it and sometimes I feel like attacking it.” Other
4 Change toward rejection “In no way did learning the facts about evolution persuade me to believe it as truth, in fact it convinced me to believe the exact opposite.” Rejection
5 Change to tolerance of a different point of view “So, I suppose that my change in position is that I fall somewhere in the middle of everything. I do not agree nor disagree.” Other
6 No change, still accept “I claim my present point of view as being similar to my earlier one. Evolution is a real thing and Heavenly Father oversees it.” Full acceptance
7 No change, still accept, but not man “I still support evolution for everything that exists except humans” Limited acceptance
8 No change, still reject “I wrote previously I do not disagree with the fact that things change and adapt over time. I do, however, believe that God spoke everything into existence and He said that it was good.” Rejection
9 No change, still confused “One of the biggest questions is concerning Adam and Eve. According to evolution, Neanderthals existed before the first “humans” as we know them. What does that mean? I’m not really sure.” Other
10 Do not care “Evolution has no significance to me.” Other
11 Other (did not fit into any other category) “So, to put it simply: I learn evolution, I recite and memorize facts of evolution, I discuss it with my STEM major friends and I discuss it with my conservative parents, but I do not wholly and fully know that it is fact.” Other
12 Still accept, but received substantial evidence to support acceptance “Before this semester I was a firm believer in evolution. However, this semester has given me a broader and more extensive knowledge of the evidence supporting this theory.” Full acceptance
13 Change toward acceptance, adaptation only (microevolution) “As I have gained more knowledge on the different types of evolution, I have come to agree with microevolution, for it consists of small changes, and no new kinds are developed.” Limited acceptance
14 No change, still adaptation only (microevolution) “I do believe in microevolution of minor changes over time, this being due mainly to adaptation, but whole species changes are not logical in my opinion.” Limited acceptance