Prolonged treatment with VX-661 does not compromise epithelial integrity in polarized F508del-CFTR CFBE cells. (A) Variation in TEER of polarized F508del-CFTR CFBE cells treated for 15 days with vehicle (DMSO) or 3 μM of either VX-809 or VX-661. (B) WB analysis of whole cell lysates from polarized F508del-CFTR CFBE cells treated as in (A). Shown are representative images of immunoblots using antibodies against the indicated proteins. (C) Bar plots of immunoblot [as in (B)] band intensity quantification, normalized to DMSO. Tubulin was used as a loading normalizer in band intensity quantification. Data are means ± SEM from at least five independent assays. Statistical significance was assessed using two-way ANOVA [Ftreatment = 15.95 (A) and 20.28 (C), both p < 0.0001) followed by Bonferroni posttests (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001, relative to DMSO and # p < 0.05 relative to VX-661).