Table 1.
Experimentally studied chemosensory systems in Bacteria
Organism | Taxonomya | System class/CheA accession number |
Function controlled |
Escherichia coli | Gammaproteobacteria | F7 NP_416402.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
Salmonella enterica
serovar Typhimurium |
Gammaproteobacteria | F7 NP_460878.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
Bacillus subtilis | Firmicutes | F1 NP_389525.2 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
Thermotoga maritima | Thermotogota | F1 NP_228511.1 |
Unknown |
Helicobacter pylori | Campylobacterota | F3 WP_108169127.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
Campylobacter jejuni | Campylobacterota | F3 YP_002343725.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
Myxococcus xanthus | Myxococcota | F1 (Dif) WP_011556617.1 |
Tfp-mediated social (S) motility, EPS production |
ACF (Frz, che1) WP_011554143.1 |
Adventurous (A) and social (S) motility |
ACF (che3) WP_011555118.1 |
Gene expression, S motility |
ACF (che4) WP_011552754.1 |
S motility | ||
ACF (che5) WP_011555978.1 |
S motility, development | ||
ACF (che6) WP_011556872.1 |
S motility, development | ||
F10 (che8) WP_011554745.1 |
unknown | ||
F13 (che7) WP_020480737.1 |
S motility | ||
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | Gammaproteobacteria | F6 (Che1) NP_250149.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
F7 (Che2) NP_248868.1 |
Stress response, unrelated to chemotaxis |
ACF (Wsp) NP_252393.1 |
c-di-GMP levels, biofilm formation |
Tfp (Chp) NP_249104.1 |
Tfp motility, cAMP levels |
Vibrio cholerae | Gammaproteobacteria | F6 (cluster II) | Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
F7 (cluster III) | Unknown | ||
F9 (cluster I) | Unknown | ||
sphaeroides |
Alphaproteobacteria | F7 (cheOp1) WP_002719591.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
F7 (cheOp3) WP_002720190.1 WP_002720197.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) | ||
F8 (cheOp2) WP_002722331.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
Sinorhizobium meliloti | Alphaproteobacteria | F7 (Che1) WP_014528988.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
ACF (Che2) WP_014531470.1 |
Unknown | ||
Azospirillum brasilense | Alphaproteobacteria | F5 (Che1) WP_035678528.1 | Flagellar motility (chemokinesis), cell length |
F7 (Che4) WP_059399028.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
F9 (Che2) WP_059399521.1 | Unknown; not expressed under laboratory conditions |
ACF (Che3) WP_059399396.1 |
Flocculation | ||
Rhodospirillum centenum | Alphaproteobacteria | F5 (Che1) WP_012566940.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
F9 (Che2) WP_012565576.1 |
Lateral flagellum biosynthesis |
ACF (Che3) WP_012567300.1 |
Cyst development | ||
Caulobacter crescentus | Alphaproteobacteria | F7 NP_419252.1 | Flagellar motility (chemotaxis), biofilm formation |
F5 NP_419412.1 |
Biofilm formation | ||
Azorhizobium caulinodans | Alphaproteobacteria | F5 WP_012169192.1 | Flagellar motility (chemotaxis), biofilm formation |
Borrelia burgdorferi | Spirochaetota | F2 (CheA2) NP_212803.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
F8 (CheA1) NP_212701.1 |
Unknown | ||
Treponema denticola | Spirochaetota | F2 NP_972097.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 | Cyanobacteria | Tfp (tax1/pix) WP_010874009.1 |
Tfp motility (phototaxis) |
Tfp (tax2) WP_010871827.1 |
Unknown | ||
Tfp (tax3/Pil) WP_010873252.1 |
Pilus biogenesis, Tfp motility |
Nostoc punctiforme | Cyanobacteria | Tfp (hmp/cl 1) WP_012412198.1 |
Tfp motility, EPS secretion |
Tfp (pix) WP_012412241.1 |
Unknown | ||
Tfp/ptx WP_012408770.1 |
Tfp motility (phototaxis) | ||
Tfp (cl 3) WP_012411886.1 |
Morphogenesis | ||
ACF WP_012407058.1 |
Unknown | ||
Comamonas testosteroni | Gammaproteobacteria | F7 (che) WP_012836878.1 |
Flagellar motility, biofilm formation |
Tfp (Flm) WP_012839726.1 |
Biofilm formation | ||
Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense | Alphaproteobacteria | F5 (cheOp1) WP_106003281.1 |
Flagellar motility (chemotaxis) |
ACF (cheOp2) WP_106001668.1 |
Unknown | ||
ACF (cheOp3) WP_106002789.1 |
Unknown | ||
F7 (cheOp4) WP_106001879.1 |
Unknown |
According to the Genome Taxonomy Database [50].