Figure 3.
Recombination rate, reported as recombinant fraction, of experimental groups. The recombinant fraction is the proportion of recombinant progeny compared to the total number of progeny produced for each cross, which is equivalent to cM divided by 100. Wolbachia-infected flies are shown in gray, while uninfected flies are shown in black. Each point corresponds to the recombinant fraction of a single vial. Boxplots present summary statistics, where the top and bottom edges encompass the first to third quartiles and the middle bar represents the median for each group. Boxplot whiskers extend to the smallest and largest nonoutliers. The diamond in each boxplot represents the mean recombination rate for each group. Statistical significance was tested using a general linear model, where Wolbachia and experimental block significantly affected recombination rate (P < 0.05), while diet and Wolbachia-diet interactions were not significant.