Figure 1.
Frequency and location of CXCR5+ NK cells in HIV-1 negative LNs. (a) Representative flow cytometry plots showing the frequencies of NK cell and CXCR5+ NK cells in PBMC (upper) and LN (lower) from HIV-1− individuals. Numbers indicate the percentage of gated cells. (b) The frequencies of NK cells (in lymphocytes) from PBMCs (n = 20) and LNs (n = 17) of HIV-1− individuals. (c) The frequencies of CXCR5+ (in NK cells) from PBMCs (n = 20) and LNs (n = 19) of HIV-1− individuals. (d) Representative immunofluorescence image of HIV-1− LN (patient No. 20). Yellow boxes indicate areas with higher magnifications. Circled areas represent B cell follicle limits. White arrows indicate individual CXCR5+ NK cells. Scale bar = 100 μm. Significant differences in b, c were calculated using Mann-Whitney U test. ****P < 0.0001.