Summary of PLK1 inhibition-based chemotherapy and targeted therapy. (A) PLK1 inhibition-based chemotherapy. The cancers treated by a PLK1 inhibitor and a chemotherapy drug are displayed in the human figure. Under the cancer names are the chemotherapy drugs, highlighted by 4 different colors as PLK1 inhibitors. (B) PLK1 inhibition-based targeted therapy. The cancers are treated by targeting PLK1 and the other pathway. Under the cancer names are the targeted pathways, highlighted by PLK1 inhibitors in 4 different colors. The purple, orange, blue, and green backgrounds represent BI2536, BI6727, NMS-1286937, and other PLK1 inhibitors, respectively. (Created with and edited with Adobe Illustrator) (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.).