Colocalization analysis of 12/15 LOX with mitochondria in CA3 region of the Hippocampus. 12/15 LOX Colocalization was assessed by confocal microscopy using antibodies (Ab) targeting 12/15 LOX in combination with Cytochrome b (Mitochondrial Marker) and counter stained with Hoechst 33,342. Data are represented as photomicrographs (600X) and an ICA plot (B) which was generated by LAS AF Leica software showing red pixels(12/15 LOX), greens pixels (mito. marker) and yellow (merge) alongside a table showing Colocalization indices (Pearson's correlation coefficient, Overlap coefficient, Colocalization rate). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)