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. 2004 Apr 19;2004(2):CD003765. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003765.pub2

6. Treatment for hypotension.

study preload treatment criteria
Alahuhta 1000 ml balanced electrolyte solution + 10 ml/kg preload Ephedrine when systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg or > 30% control
Ledan All patients received 1000 ml of Ringer‐lactate solution and 30 mg subcutaneous ephedrine before having regional anaesthesia Hypotension (systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg or a fall of 30% from pre‐anaesthetic level) was treated with 10 mg ephedrine and infusion of Ringer‐lactate solution
Lertakyamanee All patients received 1 litre of Ringer lactate as preload before the blocks were performed, and had a small pillow under the right buttock to prevent supine hypotension Ephedrine was given if systolic blood pressure decreased more than 20% of baseline
Mahajan 750‐1000 ml of balanced salt solution within 5‐10 minutes after injection of LA Ephedrine when systolic blood pressure decreased > 25% from pre‐anaesthetic values
Saito IV fluids given "as necessary to maintain normal hemodynamic values" but "patients in both groups were given comparable amounts of intravenous fluids" Ephedrine (5 mg boluses) was administered to maintain systolic arterial pressure > 90 mmHg
Vegfors All patients received a preload of 1000 ml Ringer lactate and Macrodex 500 ml 25‐30 minutes before institution of blockade Hypotension (systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg) was treated with volume infusion and 5‐10 mg ephedrine iv
Erbay Reported as higher ephedrine requirement in spinal group, but no numbers reported  
Helbo‐Hansen Reported as doses given but not number of patients treated  
Jani More ephedrine used in spinal group ‐ but no numbers reported  
Olofsson All patients received an iv fluid preload but prophylaxis against hypotension was not standardised ie. timing of ephedrine injection different between groups