study |
assessment criteria |
Alahuhta |
Onset times for analgesia to reach T6 was recorded. |
Erbay |
Time for block to reach T4 was measured. |
Ledan |
Onset times for analgesia to reach T6 was recorded. |
Lertakyamanee |
Time taken from start of anaesthetic to start of surgery was recorded. |
Helbo‐Hansen |
Induction of anaesthesia to delivery and skin incision to delivery times only. |
Mahajan |
Induction of anaesthesia to delivery, skin incision to delivery and uterine incision to delivery times recorded, not injection to skin incision times. |
Olofsson |
Median (not mean) time taken from injection to surgery. |
Saito |
Time from induction of anaesthesia to surgery given without mean or standard deviation. |
Vegfors |
Induction of anaesthesia to delivery time only. |