(A) Trends in expected and observed priority statuses during transition to the new heart allocation policy. Trends in the number of adult heart transplant candidates listed each month, as stratified by Status at initial listing. Colors correspond with observed status assignment in the post-policy period (after October 2018), and reclassified expected status assignment in the pre-policy period (before October 2018). Status 5 is for multiorgan transplant candidates, which were excluded from the analyses. Dashed line represents October 2018, when the new allocation policy was implemented. (B) Trends in high-priority status MCS justifications and exceptions during transition to the new heart allocation policy. Trends in the number of adult heart transplant candidates listed at high-priority statuses in each month, as stratified by treatment at initial listing. Prior to the implementation of the new allocation policy in October 2018, colors correspond to the treatments candidates reclassified as Status 1 and 2 or qualified for Status 1A through exception requests. After October 2018, colors correspond to the treatments used to justify Status 1 and Status 2 listings. Dashed line represents October 2018, when the new allocation policy was implemented. ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; IABP, intra-aortic balloon pump; LVAD, left ventricular assistive device (with device malfunction to qualify for Status 1 or 2); Other MCS, other mechanical circulatory support