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. 2021 Dec 8;46(4):600–605. doi: 10.4103/ijcm.IJCM_1007_20

Table S1.

Study level characteristics

Study Country Population Sample size Anxiety prevalence (%) Depression prevalence (%) Stress prevalence (%) Insomnia prevalence (%)
Cao W China Medical students 7143 24.86 NR NR NR
Wang C China General population 1210 36.36 30.33 32.15 NR
Lai J China Healthcare workers in fever clinic and COVID-19 wards 1257 44.55 50.44 71.52 33.97
Wang Y China General population 600 6.33 17.17 NR NR
Huang JZ China Medical-staff involved in COVID-19 230 23.04 NR NR NR
Qui J China, Hongcong, Macau, Taiwan General population 52730 NR NR 34.43 NR
Lu W China Medical workforce fighting COVID-19 and administrative staff 2299 25.51a, 18.68c 12.1a, 8.17c NR NR
Nguyen HC Viatnam People visiting OPD of a hospital 3947 NR 7.45 NR NR
Zhang WR China Medical as well as nonmedical health worker 2182 10.45 10.63 NR 33.87
Zhang Y China Local people 263 NR NR 7.6 NR
Ahmed MZ China Wechat users 1074 28.96 37.15 NR NR
Chen Y China Peadiatric medical staff working at high risk place 105 18.1 29.52 NR NR
Chew NWS Singapore-India Health care workers 906 15.67 10.6 5.19 NR
Lei L China General population 1593 8.35 14.69 NR NR
Moghanibasi AM Iran General population 10754 50.88 NR NR NR
Sacham M Israel Dentist and dental hygienist 338 NR NR 11.54 NR
Tan W Singapore Working population 673 6.09 5.94 3.27 14.56
Yuvan S China General population 939 NR NR NR 56.12
Zhu S China Health care workers frontline as well as nonfrontline 2279 19.69a, 22c 21.25a, 21.69c NR NR
Li J China General population (no psychiatric history) included few COVID-cases 5033 20.45 20.45 NR NR
Zhou SJ China Adolecent 8079 37.38 43.73 NR NR
Liang L China Young general people 584 NR NR 14.38 NR
Zhang J China COVID-19 infected, quarantined patients and general population 57 43.88c, 26.31d, 10e 62.24c, 36.84d, 12e NR NR
Hao F China Healthy subjects 109 6.42 1.83 0.92 25.69
Jahanshahi AA Iran Iranian adults 1058 NR NR 61.06 NR
Ren Y China General population 1172 13.31 18.77 7.00 7.25
Xingxing Li China Frontline healthcare 948 NR NR NR 32.81
González-Sanguino C Spain General population 3484 21.58 18.69 15.79 NR
Du J China Frontline healthcare workers 310 9.03 5.48 NR NR
Voitsidis P Greece Elderly population 2363 NR NR NR 37.62
Odriozola-González P Spain Students and workers of a Spanish university 3,707 35.18 48.10 40.33 NR
Abdessater M France Frontline g French urologists in training 275 NR NR 91.64 NR
Sherman A. Lee USA MTurk workers 1237 35.97 40.02 NR NR
Chen-Yun Liu China Frontline healthcare workers 512 12.50 NR NR NR
Ferit Durankus Turkey Pregnant women 260 NR 35.38 NR NR
Tawfiq Choudhury England Frontline healthcare workers 65 60.98 53.85 NR NR
Nicola Cellini Italy General population 1310 32.60 24.20 50.15 NR
Selçuk Özdin Turkey General Population 343 45.19 23.62 NR NR
Junling Gao China General population 4872 22.60 48.30 NR NR
Naiara Ozamiz-Etxebarria Spain General population 976 26.02 18.85 23.67 NR
Michael Y Ni China General population and health professonals 1791 21.96b, 23.84c 19.59 NR NR
Andrea Amerio Italy Frontline general practitioners 131 NR 22.90 NR NR
Chenxi Zhang China Frontline medical staffs 1563 44.72 50.67 NR 36.08
Juhong Zhu China Frontline healthcare workers 165 20.00 44.24 NR NR
Cristina Mazza Italy General population 2766 18.69 32.75 27.19 NR
Ugo Consolo Italy Dental practitioners 356 57.30 NR NR NR
Yun Li China General population 3637 27.50 31.21 17.60 33.71
Huang Y China General population and health care workers 7236 35.64b, 34.85c 19.82b, 20.21c NR 19.82b, 15.76c

a Frontline Health Care Worker, bNonfrontline Healthcare Worker, cGeneral Population, dCOVID-19 patients, eQuarantined. NR: Not reported, COVID-19: Coronavirus disease-2019, OPD: Outpatient department