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. 2021 Sep;16(9):1345–1354. doi: 10.2215/CJN.01130121

Table 1.

Baseline demographic and disease characteristics of the overall population from the eValuation of ERTugliflozin effIcacy and Safety CardioVascular outcomes clinical trial (intention to treat)

Characteristic Placebo Ertugliflozin, Pooled Total
(n=2747) (n=5499) (n=8246)
Female sex, n (%) 844 (31) 1633 (30) 2477 (30)
Age, yr 64±8 64±8 64±8
HbA1c, % 8.2±0.9 8.2±1.0 8.2±1.0
Duration of type 2 diabetes mellitus, yr 13±8 13±8 13±8
Hemoglobin, g/dl 14.0±1.4 14.0±1.4 14.0±1.4
BMI, kg/m2 32.0±5.5 31.9±5.3 32.0±5.4
eGFR, ml/min per 1.73 m2 (MDRD) 76±21 76±21 76±21
UACR, mg/g 19 (6–67) 18 (6–69) 19 (6–68)
Systolic BP, mmHg 133±14 133±14 133±14
Glucose-lowering agents, n (%)
 Insulin 1344 (49) 2556 (46) 3900 (47)
 Biguanides 2124 (77) 4168 (76) 6292 (76)
Antihypertensive agents, n (%)
 Any antihypertensive 2632 (96) 5221 (95) 7853 (95)
 RAAS inhibitor 2239 (82) 4447 (81) 6686 (81)
 Diuretic 1196 (44) 2346 (43) 3542 (43)
  Loop diuretic 426 (16) 826 (15) 1252 (15)
  Mineralocorticoids receptor antagonists 224 (8) 450 (8) 674 (8)
 Antiplatelet or antithrombotic drugs, n (%) 2446 (89) 4880 (89) 7326 (89)
 Lipid-lowering agents, n (%) 2313 (84) 4655 (85) 6968 (85)
eGFR category, n (%) a
 eGFR G1 (eGFR≥90 ml/min per 1.73 m2) 678 (25) 1370 (25) 2048 (25)
 eGFR G2 (eGFR≥60 and <90 ml/min per 1.73 m2) 1461 (53) 2929 (53) 4390 (53)
 eGFR G3 (eGFR<60 ml/min per 1.73 m2) 608 (22) 1199 (22) 1807 (22)
UACR category, n (%) b
 Normoalbuminuria 1597 (60) 3186 (60) 4783 (60)
 Microalbuminuria 845 (31) 1647 (31) 2492 (31)
 Macroalbuminuria 242 (9) 513 (10) 755 (9)
KDIGO CKD risk category, n (%) c
 Low risk of CKD 1307 (49) 2609 (49) 3916 (49)
 Moderate risk of CKD 859 (32) 1709 (32) 2568 (32)
 High/very high risk of CKD 517 (19) 1031 (19) 1548 (19)

Values are mean±SD or median (interquartile range) unless otherwise stated. Table adapted from ref. 12. HbA1c, glvcated hemoglobin; BMI, body mass index; MDRD, Modification of Diet in Renal Disease; UACR, urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio; RAAS, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system; KDIGO CKD, Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease.


Participants required a baseline eGFR value for classification: n=2747 for placebo; n=5498 for ertuglifozin, pooled; n=8245 total.


Participants required a baseline UACR value for classification: n=2684 for placebo; n=5346 for ertugliflozin, pooled; n=8030 total.


Participants required baseline eGFR and UACR values for classification: n=2683 for placebo; n=5349 for ertuglifozin, pooled; n=8032 total.