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. 2021 Sep;32(9):2147–2152. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2021040480

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of KTRs explored

Baseline Characteristics KTRs, n=45
Age, yr 63.5±16.3
Sex (M/W), n 23/22
Diabetes mellitus, n (%) 10 (22.2)
Hypertension, n (%) 36 (80)
BMI, kg/m2 26.2±4.7
Time from transplantation, yr
 Median (range) 6.9 (0.22–30.2)
Immunized KTR, n (%) 12 (26.7)
 Median PRA class I 6
 Median PRA class II 14.5
Previous history of rejection, n (%) 1 (2.2)
eGFR, ml/min per 1.73 m2 43.3±15.7
P/C ratio, g/g 0.26±0.06
Lymphocytes count, per mm3
 CD3+ 892±476
 CD4+ 447±263
 CD8+ 397±297
Induction therapy for KT, n (%)
 ATG 18 (40)
 Anti–R-IL2 27 (60)
IS regimen, n (%)
 Tacrolimus 24 (53.3)
 Cyclosporin 8 (17.8)
 MMF 37 (82.2)
 AZA 4 (8.9)
 Everolimus 3 (6.7)
 Belatacept 10 (22.2)
 Steroids 21 (46.7)

M, men; W, women; BMI, body mass index; PRA, panel reactive antibodies; P/C, proteinuria/creatininuria; KT, kidney transplantation; ATG, antithymoglobuline; R-IL2, IL-2 receptor; IS, immunosuppressive; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; AZA, azathioprine.