a, Genome completeness and b contamination of the 499 eukaryotic MAGs estimated by EukCC. c N50 for these MAGs determined via BBMap. The number of bins were 81 for Single Run, 123 for Per Sample, 112 for Pool Time, 87 for Pool Site, 65 for Pool HV, and 31 for Other datasets. Significance was determined using the two tailed t-test relative to Per Sample, with ns representing not significant. ‘Other datasets’ refers to skin metagenomes excluding the healthy volunteer dataset, which is a part of the study SRP002480. d, Taxonomic classification of the viral genomes according to DemoVir. In panels a, b and c, box lengths represent the IQR of the data, with whiskers depicting the lowest and highest values within 1.5 times the IQR of the first and third quartiles, respectively.