Figure 1.
Association of 10-year metabolite changes with T2D risk. Colored and labeled dots are T2D-associated 10-year metabolite changes (continuous analysis FDR < 0.05 [Wald test] and categorical analysis P < 0.05); small grey dots are non-T2D-associated metabolite changes (continuous analysis FDR > 0.05). Odds ratio (conditional logistic regression) per one standard deviation higher 10-year metabolite change, matched for age, race/ethnicity, and time of blood draw, and adjusted for baseline metabolite level, BMI [kg/m2], diet quality [AHEI-points], physical activity [METS-h/week], ΔBMI (2000 vs. 1990), ΔAHEI (1998 vs. 1990), ΔMETS (2000 vs. 1988), and smoking status [3 categories; never, current, past] at both blood sampling time points. Case-control study with 244 incident type 2 diabetes cases and 244 matched controls.
Abbreviations - Ala: alanine, carn.: carnitine, DG: diglyceride, GCA: glycocholate, GCDC: glycochenodeoxycholate, Gln: glutamine, Gly: glycine, GXA: glycodeoxycholate, Ile: isoleucine, Leu: leucine, LPE: lysophosphatidyl-ethanolamine, Met: methionine, NAA: N-acetylaspartic acid, PE: phosphatidylethanolamine, PLG: plasmalogen, Pro: proline, ROH: retinol, SM: sphingomyelin, TG: triglyceride, Val: valine, VB5: pantothenate. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)