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. 2021 Dec 23;8:798571. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.798571

Table 1.

Association between baseline characteristics and ACE1 polymorphism in COVID-19 positive cases vs. COVID-19 negative controls.

N = 155
N = 232
P -Valuea
Age (years) Mean ± SD 37.14 ± 11.48 43.75 ± 15.85 <0.001
BMIb (kg/m2) Mean ± SD 25.79 ± 4.14 27.82 ± 5.51 <0.001
Sex Female N (%) 86 (55.5) 106 (45.7) 0.037
Male N (%) 69 (44.5) 126 (54.3)
Blood group A+ Yes N (%) 75 (48.4) 118 (50.9) 0.354
No N (%) 80 (51.6) 114 (49.1)
Smoking Ever N (%) 63 (40.6) 98 (42.2) 0.418
Never N (%) 92 (59.4) 134 (57.8)
Dyslipidemia Yes N (%) 19 (12.3) 40 (17.2) 0.116
No N (%) 136 (87.7) 192 (82.8)
Hypertension Yes N (%) 11 (7.1) 46 (19.8) <0.001
No N (%) 144 (92.9) 186 (80.2)
Diabetes Yes N (%) 4 (2.6) 29 (12.5) <0.001
No N (%) 151 (97.4) 203 (87.5)
Heart diseasec Yes N (%) 2 (1.3) 15 (6.5) <0.001
No N (%) 153 (98.7) 217 (93.5)
Kidney diseased Yes N (%) 1 (0.6) 8 (3.4) 0.068
No N (%) 154 (99.4) 224 (96.6)
Lung diseasee Yes N (%) 5 (3.2) 13 (5.6) 0.202
No N (%) 150 (96.8) 219 (94.4)
Cerebrovascular diseasef Yes N (%) 0 (0.0) 2 (0.9) 0.359
No N (%) 155 (100) 230 (99.1)
Coagulation disordersg Yes N (%) 1 (0.6) 4 (1.7) 0.335
No N (%) 154 (99.4) 228 (98.3)
Cancer Yes N (%) 3 (1.9) 21 (9.1) 0.003
No N (%) 152 (98.1) 211 (90.9)
ACEIh/ARBi intake Yes N (%) 9 (5.8) 27 (11.6) 0.037
No N (%) 146 (94.2) 205 (88.4)
ACE genotype II N (%) 12 (7.8) 33 (14.2) 0.141
DI N (%) 72 (46.4) 104 (44.8)
DD N (%) 71 (45.8) 95 (41.0)
II N (%) 12 (7.8) 33 (14.2) 0.035
DI + DD N (%) 143 (92.3) 199 (85.8)
DI + II N (%) 84 (54.2) 137 (59.1) 0.200
DD N (%) 71 (45.8) 95 (41.0)
ACE allele I N (%) 96 (31.0) 170 (36.6) 0.060
D N (%) 71 (69.0) 95 (63.4)

P-values defined using independent t-test for continuous variables and Fisher exact for categorical variables.


Body mass index.


Coronary artery disease; heart failure.


Chronic kidney disease, end-stage renal disease.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, interstitial lung disease, asthma.


Stroke, carotid stenosis.


Hemophilia, von Willebrand disease.


Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor.


Angiotensin receptor blocker.

The statistically significant P values are in bold.