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. 2022 Jan 6;7(1):1. doi: 10.1007/s41109-021-00435-x

Table 3.

List of POS tag and syntactic dependency labels

POS tag Dependency label
Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning
ADD email acl clausal modifier of noun (adjectival clause)
AFX affix acomp adjectival complement
CC conjunction, coordinating advcl adverbial clause modifier
CD cardinal number advmod adverbial modifier
DT determiner agent agent
EX existential there amod adjectival modifier
FW foreign word appos appositional modifier
HYPH punctuation mark, hyphen attr attribute
IN conjunction, subordinating or preposition aux auxiliary
JJ adjective auxpass auxiliary (passive)
JJR adjective, comparative case case marking
JJS adjective, superlative cc coordinating conjunction
LS list item marker ccomp clausal complement
MD verb, modal auxiliary compound compound
NFP superfluous punctuation conj conjunct
NN noun, singular or mass csubj clausal subject
NNP noun, proper singular csubjpass clausal subject (passive)
NNPS noun, proper plural dative dative
NNS noun, plural dep unclassified dependent
PDT predeterminer det determiner
POS possessive ending dobj direct object
PRP pronoun, personal expl expletive
PRP$ pronoun, possessive intj interjection
RB adverb mark marker
RBR adverb, comparative meta meta modifier
RBS adverb, superlative neg negation modifier
RP adverb, particle nmod modifier of nominal
SYM symbol npadvmod noun phrase as adverbial modifier
TO infinitival “to” nsubj nominal subject
UH interjection nsubjpass nominal subject (passive)
VB verb, base form nummod numeric modifier
VBD verb, past tense oprd object predicate
VBG verb, gerund or present participle parataxis parataxis
VBN verb, past participle pcomp complement of preposition
VBP verb, non-3rd person singular present pobj object of preposition
VBZ verb, 3rd person singular present poss possession modifier
WDT wh-determiner preconj pre-correlative conjunction
WP wh-pronoun, personal predet None
WP$ wh-pronoun, possessive prep prepositional modifier
WRB wh-adverb prt particle
punct punctuation
quantmod modifier of quantifier
relcl relative clause modifier
xcomp open clausal complement