Table 3.
POS tag | Dependency label | ||
Symbol | Meaning | Symbol | Meaning |
ADD | acl | clausal modifier of noun (adjectival clause) | |
AFX | affix | acomp | adjectival complement |
CC | conjunction, coordinating | advcl | adverbial clause modifier |
CD | cardinal number | advmod | adverbial modifier |
DT | determiner | agent | agent |
EX | existential there | amod | adjectival modifier |
FW | foreign word | appos | appositional modifier |
HYPH | punctuation mark, hyphen | attr | attribute |
IN | conjunction, subordinating or preposition | aux | auxiliary |
JJ | adjective | auxpass | auxiliary (passive) |
JJR | adjective, comparative | case | case marking |
JJS | adjective, superlative | cc | coordinating conjunction |
LS | list item marker | ccomp | clausal complement |
MD | verb, modal auxiliary | compound | compound |
NFP | superfluous punctuation | conj | conjunct |
NN | noun, singular or mass | csubj | clausal subject |
NNP | noun, proper singular | csubjpass | clausal subject (passive) |
NNPS | noun, proper plural | dative | dative |
NNS | noun, plural | dep | unclassified dependent |
PDT | predeterminer | det | determiner |
POS | possessive ending | dobj | direct object |
PRP | pronoun, personal | expl | expletive |
PRP$ | pronoun, possessive | intj | interjection |
RB | adverb | mark | marker |
RBR | adverb, comparative | meta | meta modifier |
RBS | adverb, superlative | neg | negation modifier |
RP | adverb, particle | nmod | modifier of nominal |
SYM | symbol | npadvmod | noun phrase as adverbial modifier |
TO | infinitival “to” | nsubj | nominal subject |
UH | interjection | nsubjpass | nominal subject (passive) |
VB | verb, base form | nummod | numeric modifier |
VBD | verb, past tense | oprd | object predicate |
VBG | verb, gerund or present participle | parataxis | parataxis |
VBN | verb, past participle | pcomp | complement of preposition |
VBP | verb, non-3rd person singular present | pobj | object of preposition |
VBZ | verb, 3rd person singular present | poss | possession modifier |
WDT | wh-determiner | preconj | pre-correlative conjunction |
WP | wh-pronoun, personal | predet | None |
WP$ | wh-pronoun, possessive | prep | prepositional modifier |
WRB | wh-adverb | prt | particle |
punct | punctuation | ||
quantmod | modifier of quantifier | ||
relcl | relative clause modifier | ||
xcomp | open clausal complement |