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. 2021 Dec 23;9:811666. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.811666


The role of exosomal non-coding RNAs in osteoporosis.

Origin of exosomes Exosomes cargo Pathway ncRNA expression Mechanism References
Osteoclasts miR-214 EphrinA2/EphA2 high inhibited the function of osteoblasts Sun et al. (2016)
Osteoclasts miR-214-3p N/A high inhibited osteoblast bone formation Li et al. (2016)
Osteoblasts miR-30d-5p RUNX2 high inhibit osteoblast differentiation Li et al. (2008); Zhang et al. (2011)
Osteoblasts miR-140-3p BMP2 high inhibited the formation of osteoblasts Hwang et al. (2014)
osteoblast precursors/mineralized osteoblasts Let-7 HMGA2 high promoted osteogenesis Egea et al. (2012); Wei et al. (2014)
Osteoblast miR-503-3p RANK N/A preventd osteoclast differentiation Chen et al. (2014)
mineralized osteoblasts miR-667-3p AXIN1 high promoted the osteogenic differentiation of osteoblast precursors Cui et al. (2016)
miR-6769b-5p β-catenin
pmiR-7668-3p miR-874-3p
HBMSCs miR-199b N/A High/low increased/decreased significantly during the early stage of osteogenic differentiation of HBMSCs Xu et al. (2014)
Osteocytes miR-218 Wnt signaling low inhibited osteoblast differentiation Qin et al. (2017)
BMSCs miR-31a-5p N/A High promoting osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption Xu et al. (2018)
BMSCs miR-151-5p N/A N/A promoting osteogenic differentiation and saving bone reduction Chen et al. (2017)
MSCs miR-21 SMAD7 High Inhibition of osteogenic gene expression Jiang et al. (2018)
HUCMSCs miR-1263 Mob1 High inhibiting BMSCs apoptosis and preventing disuse osteoporosis in rats Yang et al. (2020a)
breast cancer cells miR-20a-5p SRCIN1 N/A Promoting the proliferation and differentiation of osteoclasts Guo et al. (2019)
vascular endothelial cells miR-155 N/A High inhibited osteoclast induction Song et al. (2019)
HBMSCs exosome mimetics miR-29a Noggin High promoted osteogenesis Fan et al. (2020)
BMSCs miR-186 Hippo signaling pathway High promote osteogenesis Li et al. (2021)
BMSCs LncRNA MALAT1 MIR-34c/SATB2 axis N/A promoted osteoblast activity/enhanced the activity of osteoblasts in osteoporotic mice Yang et al. (2019b)
MM cells lncRNA RUNX2-AS1 RUNX2 N/A inhibiting the osteogenicity of MSCs Li et al. (2018)
osteoclasts NONMMUT000375.2 genes related to osteoclast N/A repressed the osteogenic differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells Xu et al. (2020a)
BMSCs lncRNA H19 Angpt1/Tie2-NO High promoted osteogenesis and angiogenesis through mediating Angpt1/Tie2-NO signaling Behera et al. (2021)
circ-Rtn4 modified BMSCs circ-Rtn4 miR-146a N/A reduced the cytotoxicity and apoptosis of MC3T3-E1 cells induced by TNF-α Cao et al. (2020)
serum samples hsa_circ_0006859 miR-431-5p High Hsa_circ_0006859 suppressed osteoblastic differentiation and promoted adipogenic differentiation of hBMSCs. Zhi et al. (2021)
osteoporotic plasma exosomes tRF-25
N/A High had good accuracy in the diagnosis of osteoporosis Zhang et al. (2018b)