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. 2022 Jan 5;79(3):1–12. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.3815

Table. Select Patient Characteristics After 1:4 Matching by State and Follow-upa.

Characteristic Any specific NDD, No. (%) ASD, No. (%) ADHD, No. (%)
Children with the outcome of interestb Children without any NDDc Children with the outcome of interestb Children without any NDDc Children with the outcome of interestb Children without any NDDc
Public insurance
Total 71 604 286 416 10 093 40 372 33 259 133 036
Follow-up, mean (SD), y 5.3 (2.1) 5.2 (2.1) 6.8 (2.8) 6.7 (2.9) 7.3 (2.0) 7.23 (2.0)
Maternal age at delivery, mean (SD), y 24.8 (5.9) 24.7 (6.0) 25.8 (6.2) 24.7 (6.0) 23.9 (5.5) 24.6 (6.0)
Male 47 193 (65.9) 137 567 (48.0) 7703 (76.3) 18 869 (46.7) 23 171 (69.7) 61 979 (46.6)
Female 23 409 (32.7) 146 556 (51.2) 2207 (21.9) 21 181 (52.5) 9678 (29.1) 70 045 (52.7)
Unknown 1002 (1.4) 2293 (0.8) 183 (1.8) 322 (0.8) 410 (1.2) 1012 (0.8)
Northeast 16 899 (23.6) 67 596 (23.6) 2586 (25.6) 10 344 (25.6) 6010 (18.1) 24 040 (18.1)
Midwest 19 721 (27.5) 78 884 (27.5) 2997 (29.7) 11 988 (29.7) 9852 (29.6) 39 408 (29.6)
South 18 597 (26.0) 74 388 (26.0) 2689 (26.6) 10 756 (26.6) 11 066 (33.3) 44 264 (33.3)
West 16 387 (22.9) 65 548 (22.9) 1821 (18.0) 7284 (18.0) 6331 (19.0) 25 324 (19.0)
Year of birth
Before 2006 16 913 (23.6) 84 379 (29.5) 3928 (38.9) 18 752 (46.5) 14 640 (44.0) 61 943 (46.6)
2006-2009 39 143 (54.7) 149 064 (52.0) 4353 (43.1) 15 923 (39.4) 17 675 (53.1) 67 192 (50.5)
After 2009 15 548 (21.7) 52 973 (18.5) 1812 (18.0) 5697 (14.1) 944 (2.8) 3901 (2.9)
Race and ethnicityd
Asian or Pacific Islander 2084 (2.9) 13 488 (4.7) 322 (3.2) 1688 (4.2) 398 (1.2) 5254 (4.0)
Black or African American 19 963 (27.9) 97 518 (34.1) 2660 (26.4) 15 036 (37.2) 10 263 (30.9) 52 515 (39.5)
Hispanic or Latino 9452 (13.2) 40 893 (14.3) 1106 (11.0) 4748 (11.8) 3295 (9.9) 16 655 (12.5)
White 33 071 (46.2) 10 8112 (37.8) 4848 (48.0) 15 402 (38.2) 17 283 (52.0) 49 933 (37.5)
Other or unknowne 7034 (9.8) 26 405 (9.2) 1157 (11.5) 3498 (8.7) 2020 (6.1) 8679 (6.5)
Maternal conditions
Preexisting hypertension 2286 (3.2) 6519 (2.3) 385 (3.8) 933 (2.3) 1012 (3.0) 3077 (2.3)
Preeclampsia 4595 (6.4) 14 408 (5.0) 653 (6.5) 2008 (5.0) 2037 (6.1) 6601 (5.0)
Preexisting diabetes 2642 (3.7) 7238 (2.5) 444 (4.4) 988 (2.5) 1078 (3.2) 3121 (2.4)
Gestational diabetes 136 (0.2) 422 (0.2) 20 (0.2) 57 (0.1) 53 (0.2) 202 (0.2)
Obstetric conditions
Low birth weight 5805 (8.1) 12 016 (4.2) 762 (7.6) 1724 (4.3) 2107 (6.3) 5765 (4.3)
Small for gestational age 2943 (4.1) 8406 (2.9) 364 (3.6) 1134 (2.8) 1104 (3.3) 3626 (2.7)
Neonatal hypoxia or asphyxia 756 (1.1) 2191 (0.8) 108 (1.1) 358 (0.9) 337 (1.0) 1187 (0.9)
Preterm birth (>28 and <37 wk gestation) 10 846 (15.2) 27 244 (9.5) 1521 (15.1) 3788 (9.4) 4306 (13.0) 12 809 (9.6)
Very preterm birth (≤28 wk gestation) 1296 (1.8) 1444 (0.5) 146 (1.5) 210 (0.5) 318 (1.0) 670 (0.5)
No. of specific NDDs, mean (SD) 1.3 (0.6) NA 2.3 (1.1) NA 1.7 (0.8) NA
Private insurancef
Total 32 426 129 704 3847 15 388 8260 33 040
Follow-up, mean (SD), y 5.7 (2.7) 5.6 (2.7) 5.9 (2.4) 5.9 (2.5) 8.5 (1.9) 8.4 (1.9)
Maternal age at delivery, mean (SD), y 32.7 (4.7) 32.3 (4.6) 33.1 (4.8) 32.4 (4.6) 32.1 (4.8) 32.2 (4.5)
Male 22 229 (68.6) 64 094 (49.4) 3002 (78.0) 7534 (49.0) 5942 (71.9) 16 045 (48.6)
Female 9395 (29.0) 64 461 (49.7) 726 (18.9) 7695 (50.0) 2168 (26.3) 16 710 (50.6)
Unknown 802 (2.5) 1149 (0.9) 119 (3.1) 159 (1.0) 150 (1.8) 285 (0.9)
Northeast 6075 (18.7) 24 300 (18.7) 973 (25.3) 3892 (25.3) 934 (11.3) 3736 (11.3)
Midwest 8649 (26.7) 34 596 (26.7) 825 (21.5) 3300 (21.5) 2140 (25.9) 8560 (25.9)
South 12 901 (39.8) 51 604 (39.8) 1398 (36.3) 5592 (36.3) 4440 (53.8) 17 760 (53.8)
West 4582 (14.1) 18 328 (14.1) 620 (16.1) 2480 (16.1) 699 (8.5) 2796 (8.5)
Year of birth
Before 2006 4491 (13.9) 20 395 (15.7) 525 (13.7) 2408 (15.7) 2692 (32.6) 10 629 (32.2)
2006-2009 13 670 (42.2) 57 992 (44.7) 1731 (45.0) 7227 (47.0) 5019 (60.8) 20 101 (60.8)
After 2009 14 265 (44.0) 51 317 (39.6) 1591 (41.4) 5753 (37.4) 549 (6.7) 2310 (7.0)
Maternal conditions
Preexisting hypertension 943 (2.9) 2797 (2.2) 121 (3.2) 332 (2.2) 225 (2.7) 703 (2.1)
Preeclampsia 2807 (8.7) 7458 (5.8) 361 (9.4) 886 (5.8) 694 (8.4) 1835 (5.6)
Preexisting diabetes 978 (3.0) 2910 (2.2) 141 (3.7) 340 (2.2) 270 (3.3) 713 (2.2)
Gestational diabetes 40 (0.1) 169 (0.1) 4 (0.1) 14 (0.1) 5 (0.1) 45 (0.1)
Obstetric conditions
Low birth weight 2512 (7.8) 3958 (3.1) 287 (7.5) 451 (2.9) 457 (5.5) 980 (3.0)
Small for gestational age 1372 (4.2) 3345 (2.6) 149 (3.9) 374 (2.4) 222 (2.7) 626 (1.9)
Neonatal hypoxia or asphyxia 291 (0.9) 895 (0.7) 38 (1.0) 102 (0.7) 58 (0.7) 238 (0.7)
Preterm birth (>28 and <37 wk gestation) 4847 (15.0) 10 316 (8.0) 577 (15.0) 1239 (8.1) 1009 (12.2) 2575 (7.8)
Very preterm birth (≤28 wk gestation) 674 (2.1) 632 (0.5) 77 (2.0) 67 (0.4) 96 (1.2) 188 (0.6)
No. of specific NDDs, mean (SD) 1.2 (0.5) NA 2.0 (0.8) NA 1.5 (0.8) NA

Abbreviations: ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood; ASD, autism spectrum disorder or pervasive developmental disorder; LMP, last menstrual period; NA, not available; NDD, neurodevelopmental disorder.


The following assessment periods were used for the respective covariates: first date of LMP minus 90 days to LMP plus 90 days: preexisting hypertension; LMP minus 90 days to LMP plus 140 days: preexisting diabetes; LMP plus 140 days to delivery: gestational diabetes; LMP plus 140 days to delivery plus 30 days: preeclampsia; delivery to delivery plus 30 days: preterm or very preterm birth, low birth weight, and small for gestational age; and delivery hospitalization: neonatal hypoxia or asphyxia. Last menstrual period and gestational age at birth were estimated using a previously validated algorithm that is based on diagnostic codes for preterm birth recorded in either the maternal or infant claims within the first month after delivery or birth.17


Cohort includes all children with the specific NDD of interest.


Cohort consists of a sample of children without any NDD, which is defined using an extended definition that also includes other developmental, neurotic, and personality disorders (eTable 1 in the Supplement). Children with the specific NDD of interest and those without any NDD were 1:4 matched on state and duration of follow-up after birth (±60 days).


Race and ethnicity were determined on the basis of information submitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services by individual states, which was based on information that had been collected and coded from Medicaid applications.


Race and ethnicity category “other or unknown” includes the following races and ethnicities: American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino and 1 or more races, more than 1 race, and unknown. The category “Hispanic or Latino” includes Hispanic or Latino with no race information available, whereas “other or unknown” includes Hispanic or Latino with 1 or more races.


Information on race and ethnicity not available in the privately insured cohort (MarketScan).