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. 2022 Jan 6;9(1):3. doi: 10.1186/s40537-021-00553-4

Table 2.

Characteristics of the research sample

The form of ownership
 Public 49.31%
 Private 50.69%
Type of services provided (due to reimbursement)
 Under a contract with the NFZ (payer) 23.51%
 Commercial only 11.52%
 Both forms 64.97%
Number of employees
 Up to 9 17.51%
 10–50 34.10%
 51–250 27.19%
 251–500 13.36%
 501–1000 5.53%
 Over 1000 2.30%
 Dolnośląskie 3.2%
 Kujawsko pomorskie 0.9%
 Lubelskie 9.2%
 Lubuskie 2.8%
 Łódzkie 32.3%
 Małopolskie 4.1%
 Mazowieckie 18.4%
 Opolskie 1.4%
 Podkarpackie 1.4%
 Podlaskie 1.4%
 Pomorskie 1.4%
 Śląskie 18.4%
 Świętokrzyskie 1.4%
 Warmińsko pomorskie 1.4%
 Wielkopolskie 0.9%
 Zachodniopomorskie 1.4%