(A). Representative images of CHE-1::GFP::AID in animals after different durations of auxin-induced CHE-1::GFP::AID depletion. Dashed circles highlight visible CHE-1::GFP::AID fluorescence. For ASE neurons with visible CHE-1::GFP::AID fluorescence, S and B denote the fluorescence signal within the dashed circles and the background outside, respectively (arbitrary units). For animals after 1.5 hr on auxin, CHE-1::GFP::AID fluorescence was much reduced, when visible, while for animals 3 hr on auxin no CHE-1::GFP::AID was visible and the fluorescence signal at the expected location of the ASE neuron is shown instead. Overall, 15/15 control animals showed visible CHE-1::GFP::AID, compared to 2/10 and 0/7 animals after 1.5 and 3 hr exposure to auxin, respectively, indicating that auxin-mediated CHE-1::GFP::AID depletion was rapid. Scalebar: 3 μm. (B) Percentage of animals that recovered CHE-1::GFP::AID expression after auxin treatment of increasing length with a recovery period of 24 hr. Schematics indicate the range of times and durations of auxin treatment. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and n.d. indicates not determined. (C) CHE-1::GFP::AID fluorescence intensity in animals that recovered CHE-1::GFP::AID after 24–96 hr of auxin-induced degradation, compared to control animals of the same age that were not exposed to auxin. In animals that recovered CHE-1::GFP::AID after transient depletion, fluorescence levels returned to similar values as control animals, indicating that CHE-1::GFP::AID recovery was complete. (D) Representative images of OSM-3::GFP expression in che-1::GFP::AID animals after 132 hr or no auxin exposure. Asterisks indicate the amphid neurons on one side of the animal expressing OSM-3::GFP. Animals in which CHE-1::GFP::AID was depleted showed the same number of OSM-3::GFP expressing amphid neurons, indicating that CHE-1::GFP::AID depletion did not cause apoptosis of the ASE neurons. Scalebar: 10 μm.