Table 1. Clinical and demographic characteristics of the study participants.
Characteristics | Total | PCG | JOAG | SCG-C | SCG-S | SCG-O | SCG-A | GS |
Number of eyes (patients) | 691 (423) | 145 (88) | 15 (8) | 54 (33) | 45 (32) | 156 (97) | 117 (80) | 159 (85) |
Gender (patients, %)
Male Female |
250 (59.1%) 173 (40.9%) |
56 (63.6%) 32 (36.4%) |
4 (50%) 4 (50%) |
24 (72.7%) 9 (27.3%) |
18 (56.3%) 14 (43.8%) |
53 (54.6%) 44 (45.4%) |
43 (53.8%) 37 (46.3%) |
52 (61.2%) 33 (38.8%) |
Age at presentation (years) | 1.6 (0.3 to 6.8) | 0.4 (0.2 to 4.4) | 8.4 (5.3 to 12.4) | 5.6 (1.8 to 7.6) | 2.1 (0.4 to 6.3) | 0.3 (0 to 3.0) | 6.8 (2.8 to 10.4) | 2.7 (0.6 to 7.7) |
Family history (patients, %) *
Yes No |
15 (6.4%) 219 (93.6%) |
0 35 (100%) |
1 (20.0%) 4 (80.0%) |
1 (7.7%) 12 (92.3%) |
2 (13.3%) 13 (86.7%) |
6 (10.7%) 50 (89.3%) |
0 50 (100%) |
5 (8.3%) 55 (91.7%) |
Laterality (patients, %)
Bilateral Unilateral |
268 (63.4%) 155 (36.6%) |
57 (64.8%) 31 (35.2%) |
7 (87.5%) 1 (12.5%) |
21 (63.6%) 12 (36.4%) |
13 (40.6%) 19 (59.4%) |
59 (60.8%) 38 (39.2%) |
37 (46.3%) 43 (53.6%) |
74 (87.1%) 11 (12.9%) |
Refraction (eyes, SE) † | -1.25 (-3.19 to 0) | 2.12 | 0 | -2.25 (-6.63 to 5.50) | 0.50 (0 to 1.25) | -2.88 (-3.25 to 3.00) | -1.25 (-2.00 to -0.25) | 0.63 (-0.50 to 1.50) |
Corneal diameter (eyes, mm) | 11.5 (10 to 13) | 12.5 (12 to 13) | 10.5 (10 to 12) | 10 (10 to 12) | 11.5 (9 to 12.3) | 11 (9 to 12.3) | 11 (10 to 12) | 11 (10 to 12) |
Cup to disc ratio (eyes) ‡ | 0.6 (0.3 to 0.8) | 0.8 (0.6 to 0.9) | 0.9 (0.9 to 1.0) | 0.4 (0.3 to 0.7) | 0.5 (0.3 to 0.8) | 0.3 (0.2 to 0.4) | 0.4 (0.3 to 0.7) | 0.6 (0.5 to 0.8) |
Data shown in median (interquartile range).
Refraction, corneal diameter, and cup to disc ratio were the measurements taken at first visit.
* Data available in 234, 35, 5, 13, 15, 56, 50, and 60 patients for total, PCG, JOAG, SCG-C, SCG-S, SCG-O, SCG-A, and GS, respectively.
† Data available in 93, 1, 2, 16, 5, 5, 19, and 45 eyes for total, PCG, JOAG, SCG-C, SCG-S, SCG-O, SCG-A, and GS, respectively.
‡ Data available in 426, 71, 14, 39, 34, 41, 71, and 156 eyes for total, PCG, JOAG, SCG-C, SCG-S, SCG-O, SCG-A, and GS, respectively.
IOP, intraocular pressure; SE, spherical equivalence; PCG, primary congenital glaucoma; JOAG, juvenile open angle glaucoma; SCG-C, secondary glaucoma following cataract surgery; SCG-S, secondary glaucoma associated with non-acquired systemic condition; SCG-O, secondary glaucoma associated with ocular anomalies; SCG-A, secondary glaucoma associated with acquired conditions; GS, glaucoma suspect.