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. 2022 Jan 5;10:165. Originally published 2021 Mar 1. [Version 2] doi: 10.12688/f1000research.51256.2

Table 3. Surgical procedures for each glaucoma subtype.

Surgery n % n % n % n % n % n %
first trabeculectomy 25 19.08 2 33.33 8 34.78 8 27.59 27 28.72 16 45.71
trabeculectomy revision 17 12.98 4 17.39 4 13.79 12 12.77 8 22.86
glaucoma drainage device 13 9.92 4 66.67 2 8.70 2 6.90 4 4.26 4 11.43
trabeculotomy 17 12.98 2 6.90 7 7.45
goniotomy 20 15.27 4 13.79 2 2.13
trabeculotomy + trabeculectomy 21 16.03 2 6.90 10 10.64
GDD + trabeculectomy 1 0.76 1 4.35
ECP 1 0.76 3 13.04 3 10.34 4 4.26 1 2.86
DTSCP 16 12.21 5 21.74 4 13.79 28 29.79 6 17.14
Total 131 100.00 6 100.00 23 100.00 29 100.00 94 100.00 35 100.00

Data shown in frequency and percentage of eyes

PCG, primary congenital glaucoma; JOAG, juvenile open angle glaucoma; SCG-C, secondary glaucoma following cataract surgery; SCG-S, secondary glaucoma associated with non-acquired systemic condition; SCG-O, secondary glaucoma associated with ocular anomalies; SCG-A, secondary glaucoma associated with acquired conditions; GDD glaucoma drainage device; ECP endocyclophotocoagulation; DTSCP diode transscleral cyclophotocoagulation