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. 2022 Jan 5;10:165. Originally published 2021 Mar 1. [Version 2] doi: 10.12688/f1000research.51256.2

Table 7. Distribution of childhood glaucoma according to the Childhood Glaucoma Research Network classification.

Study Number of
Hospital-based setting
Current study 338 2 Tertiary paediatric glaucoma clinics, Thailand 88 (26%) 8 (2.4%) 33 (9.8%) 32 (9.5%) 97 (28.7%) 80 (23.6%)
Senthil et al. 2019 275 Tertiary eye care, India 107(38.9%) 38 (13.8%) 22 (8%) 16 (5.8%) 48 (17.5%) 44 (16%)
Mokbel et al. 2018 207 Chief referral center, Egypt 114 (55%) 2 (1%) 15 (7.2%) 4 (2%) 11 (5.3%) 61 (29.5%)
Hoguet et al. 2016 122 Tertiary childhood glaucoma clinic, USA 39 (32%) 9 (7.4%) 22 (18%) 14 (11.5%) 10 (8.2%) 28 (22.9%)
Fung et al. 2013 152 * Dallas Glaucoma Registry, USA 46 (30.3%) 10 (6.6%) 30 (19.7%) 18 (11.8%) 16 (10.5%) 32 (21.1%)
Qiao et al. 2009 948 Hospitalized paediatric patients, Beijing, China 486 (51.3%) 63 (6.6%) 125 (13.2%) 40 (4.2%) 61 (6.4%) 173 (18.3%)
Taylor et al. 1999 296 * Hospital for sick children, Toronto, Canada 117 (39.5%) 7 (2.4%) 61 (20.6%) 32 (10.8%) 38 (12.8%) 41 (13.9%)
Barsoum-Homsy et al. 1986 63 Paediatric glaucoma clinic, Montreal, Canada 14 (22.2%) 0 7 (11.1%) 9 (14.2%) 24 (38%) 9 (14.2%)
Population-based setting
Aponte et al. 2010 30 Olmstead county residents, Minnesota, USA 1 (3.3%) 4 (13.3%) 6 (20%) 4 (13.4%) 2 (6.7%) 13 (43.3%)
Papadppoulos et al. 2007 91 * British Ophthalmic Surveillance Unit, Great
Britain and Republic of Ireland
45 (49.4%) 2 (2.2%) 16 (17.6%) 12 (13.2%) 6 (6.6%) 10 (11%)

* We excluded patients who were glaucoma suspect or had an unknown diagnosis.

† The diagnosis was reclassified from the original articles to follow the CGRN classification.

PCG, primary congenital glaucoma; JOAG, juvenile open angle glaucoma; SCG-C, secondary glaucoma following cataract surgery; SCG-S, secondary glaucoma associated with non-acquired systemic condition; SCG-O, secondary glaucoma associated with ocular anomalies; SCG-A, secondary glaucoma associated with acquired conditions