Table 2.
Scientific name (family) | Local name | Habit | Parts used | Local (and English) names of disease treated | Animal treated | Mode of preparation | Administration route | Voucher number | Ethnoveterinary use elsewhere in Ethiopia |
Acacia abyssinica Benth. (Fabaceae) | Laaftoo | Tree | Leaf | Biifaa (snake poisoning) | All domestic animals | Chewing | Nasal, oral | MF 040-2018 | Goiter, stomachache [12] |
Achyranthes aspera L. (Amaranthaceae) | Darguu | Herb | Leaf | Dhiiga dhaabuf (bleeding) | All domestic animals | Squeezing | Topical | MF 036-2018 | Chronic trypanosomiasis, headache, babesiosis, gonorrhea, wound [26]; nasal infection, ophthalmic infection, minor bleeding [27]; mastitis, wound, diarrhea [28]; blackleg, mastitis, bleeding [8]; bloat [29]; blackleg [30]; wound, mastitis [9]; eye infection, anthrax, snake bite, wound, donkey's malaria [31]; abdominal discomfort, febrile disease [11]; blackleg [5] |
Ajuga integrifolia Buch.-Ham. (Lamiaceae) | Armaa guusaa | Herb | Leaf | Michii (febrile illness) | All domestic animals | Crushing | Oral | MF 043-2018 | Calf diarrhea [26]; internal parasite [32]; sprain [33]; diarrhea [17] |
Allium sativum L. (Alliaceae) | Qullubii adii | Herb | Bulb | Madaa gogsuuf (wound) | All domestic animals | Crushing | Topical | - | Blackleg, dermatophilosis, mange, scabies, ringworm, parasitic leech, lice infestation in chicken, and helminthiasis [27]; mange and internal parasite [34]; hepatitis [4]; expectorant, antiseptic [2]; mastitis, colic, diarrhea, bloat, internal parasites, septicemia [6]; mastitis, colic diarrhea, bloat, internal parasites [15]; abdominal pain, blackleg, leech, pasteurellosis, bloat [8]; blackleg [7]; abdominal pain, pasteurellosis, bloat [9]; foot-and-mouth disease [14]; abdominal ache, bloat [14]; malaria and stomach problem [12]; mastitis, diarrhea, internal parasite [10]; chicken bloody diarrhea [35]; Salmonella pullorum, fowl cholera, coccidiosis, fowl typhoid, Newcastle disease [36]; cough, fungal infection, leech infestation [17] |
Aloe pubescens Reynolds (Aloaceae) | Argiisa | Shrub | Sap | Madaa wanjoo (yoke sore) | Cattle | Squeezing | Topical | MF 017-2018 | Wound [18]; trypanosomiasis, tsetse fly repellent [37] |
Artemisia abyssinica Sch. Bip. ex A. Rich. (Asteraceae) | Arrittaa | Herb | Leaf | Budaa (evil eye) | All domestic animals | Unprocessed | Nasal | MF 029-2018 | Epilepsy [4] |
Bersama abyssinica Fresen. (Melianthaceae) | Lonchisaa | Tree | Leaf | Albaatii (diarrhea) | All domestic animals | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF 041-2018 | Dermatophytes [4]; kidney problems, wound, swelling [38]; trypanosomiasis [6]; trypanosomiasis [15]; blackleg, paralyzed animal [14]; skin parasites [12] |
Brassica nigra (L.) K. Koch (Brassicaceae) | Sanaficaa | Herb | Seed | Bokoka (bloat), rakkoo dakamuu nyaataa (simple indigestion), cininnaa (colic) | All domestic animals | Roasting | Oral | MF 003-2018 | Bloat [14] |
Brucea antidysenterica J.F. Mill. (Simaroubaceae) | Qomanyoo | Shrub | Leaf | Dhukkubbi ijaa (eye infection) | All domestic animals | Unprocessed | Ocular | - | Trypanosomiasis [6]; trypanosomosis [15]; rabies [8]; blackleg [7]; rabies, ring worms [9]; blinded and eye discharged animal [14]; epizootic lymphangitis [32]; malaria, rabies, toothache [12]; mastitis [10]; epizootic lymphangitis [39] |
Buddleja polystachya Fresen. (Buddlejaceae) | Adaddoo | Shrub | Leaf | Hadhaandhula baasuf (leech infestation) | Cattle | Crushing and diluting | Nasal | MF 035-2018 | Leech infestation [31]; eye disease [12]; internal parasite, diarrhea [39] |
Calpurnia aurea (Aiton) Benth. (Fabaceae) | Ceekaa | Shrub | Leaf | Bofatu hiddee (snake bite), bokoka (bloat) | All domestic animals | Crushing and diluting | Nasal, oral | MF 024-2018 | Tick infestation, helminthiasis, snake bite, sore and parasitic leech [27]; mite infestation, conjunctivitis [34]; dermatophytes [4]; skin disease, rabies [6]; mastitis, skin diseases like dermatophilosis and ectoparasites (lice, ticks) [28]; lice infestation, leech [8]; diarrhea, skin infection, blackleg, respiratory manifestations, ectoparasites [7]; cattle lice [30]; pasteurellosis, dermatophilosis, and ectoparasites [40]; lice infestation, leech infestation, abdominal pain, bloat [9]; ectoparasites, alopecia [14], lice infestation, ticks infestation [31]; mange [41]; internal parasites, pasteurellosis, mastitis, dermathophillosis, ectoparasites (tick, fleas, lice) [32]; scabies [12]; internal parasites [42]; flea and louse infestation [43]; internal and external parasite infection [10]; tsetse fly repellent [37]; Estrus ovis, trypanosomiasis [39]; rabies, external parasite [17] |
Capsicum annuum L. (Solanaceae) | Barbaree | Herb | Seed | Hadhaandhula baasuf (leech infestation) | Cattle | Grinding and diluting | Nasal | - | Cowdriosis [2]; colic, bloat, septicemia [6]; abdominal pain, bloat, blackleg, pasteurellosis, leech [8]; pasteurellosis, leech infestation, tapeworm [9]; abdominal aches, leech infestation [14]; bloat, blackleg, colic [12]; chicken diarrhea and ectoparasite infection [35]; colic, bloat, internal parasites infection [17] |
Carissa spinarum L. (Apocynaceae) | Agamsa | Shrub | Seed | Sirna fincanii (urinary tract infection) | All domestic animals | Grinding and diluting | Oral | MF 022-2018 | Helminthiasis, parasitic leech [27]; evil eye, colic [34]; helminthiasis [2]; rabies [6]; ring worm, wound [8]; ring worm, wound [9]; febrile causal disease, evil eye [11]; evil eye, headache, stomachache, gonorrhea [12] |
Clausena anisata (Willd.) Hook.f. ex Benth. (Rutaceae) | Ulummaa | Shrub | Leaf | Albaatii (diarrhea) | All domestic animals | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF 014-2018 | Ectoparasite infestation [6]; lice [15]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations [7]; skin rash [12] |
Croton macrostachyus Hochst. ex Delile (Euphorbiaceae) | Bakkanisa | Tree | Leaf | Bokoka (bloat), o'ichoo (foot rot) | Cattle, sheep, goat | Crushing and diluting | Oral, topical | MF 023-2018 | Ringworm, dermatophilosis, mange, scabies, wound, minor bleeding, sore [27]; when a cow hates her calf, dermatophytosis, wound, bloat, eye defect [34]; anthelmintic [13]; equine colic, abdominal pain, bloat [38]; bloat [2]; mastitis, rabies, colic, trypanosomiasis, septicemia [6]; wound, fungal infection [15]; febrile illness in donkey (michii), expulsion uterine mass in camels [44]; ring worm, bloat, wound [8]; blackleg, trypanosomiasis, diarrhea, blackleg, helminthic infection, respiratory manifestations, bloat, lesion [7]; wound, fungal infection [40]; ring worm, bloat, wound [9]; bloat, dandruff [14]; equine colic, abdominal pain, bloat [32]; bloat, anthrax [33]; wound healing, antiparasitic [11]; ringworm, gonorrhea, scabies, evil eye, febrile illness, headache, wound, skin infection [12]; diarrhea (dysentery), external parasite [10]; chicken open wound [35]; blackleg, bloat [39]; blackleg, skin wound [17]; bloat, ringworm [5] |
Cucumis dipsaceus Ehrenb. ex Spach (Cucurbitaceae) | Buqqee sexanaa | Herb | Sap | Maxxantuu alaa (ectoparasites infections), foroforii (scabies) | All domestic animals | Unprocessed | Topical (bathing) | MF 007-2018 | Pneumonia, abdominal pain [26]; snake bite, rabies [40]; animal head parasites [33]; abdominal discomfort, bloat [11]; fowl cholera and coccidiosis [36] |
Cucumis ficifolius A. Rich. (Cucurbitaceae) | Holotoo | Herb | Root, fruit | Dil'uu ture (retained placenta), rammoo garaa (endoparasites infections) | Cattle, sheep | Crushing and diluting | Oral | - | Coccidiosis, cowdriosis, hepatitis, wound [27]; blackleg [4]; blackleg, colic, emaciation [6]; rabies, anthrax [44]; blackleg [8]; rabies, trypanosomiasis, blackleg, cough [29]; blackleg [7]; rabies [9]; anthrax, abdominal pain [31]; febrile illness, ear pain, stomachache, cattle infection, tetanus, sudden sickness, inflammation [12] |
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf (Poaceae) | Xajjii saraa | Herb | Whole plant | Cininnaa (colic) | All domestic animals | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF 018-2018 | Hepatitis, blackleg [4] |
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (Poaceae) | Coqorsaa | Herb | Whole plant | Biifaa (snake poisoning) | All domestic animals | Chewing | Topical (spraying) | MF 009-2018 | |
Datura stramonium L. (Solanaceae) | Manjii | Herb | Leaf | Foroforii (ring worm) | All domestic animals | Crushing and squeezing | Topical (bathing) | MF 047-2018 | Nerve problem [45]; yoke sore, wound, dermatophytosis, mastitis [34]; trypanosomiasis [29]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations [7]; anthrax [31]; blackleg, nasal bleeding [33]; wound [12]; coughing (for horses, mules, and donkeys) [43]; chicken depression and diarrhea [35] |
Dodonaea angustifolia L. f. (Sapindaceae) | Ittachaa | Shrub | Leaf | Madaa gogsuuf (wound), caba (bone fracture) | All domestic animals | Crushing | Topical | MF 031-2018 | Bloat, sudden diarrhea, ringworm, scabies [27]; saddle sore [34]; anthelmintic [13]; wound [28]; bloat, liver disease, diarrhea [7]; lice infestation [9]; dislocated bone [31]; bone dislocation [41]; retained placenta, dystocia [32]; ectoparasite [11]; wound, tapeworm [12]; blackleg [39] |
Echinops kebericho Mesfin (Asteraceae) | Korobicho | Herb | Root | Budaa (evil eye) | All domestic animals | Smoking | Nasal | MF 045-2018 | Coughing, pneumonia, pasteurellosis (mich), general illness, evil eye, taeniasis [34]; blackleg, cough [6]; diarrhea, blackleg [15]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations, liver disease, skin infection [7]; febrile illness [30]; diarrhea, blackleg [40]; dislocated bone [31]; anthrax [41]; blackleg, respiratory disease [11]; trypanosomiasis [37] |
Echinops sp. (Asteraceae) | Kosorruu | Shrub | Root | Dhukkubbi ijaa (ophthalmic disease) | All domestic animals | Chewing | Nasal | MF 044-2018 | |
Embelia schimperi Vatke (Myrsinaceae) | Hanquu | Shrub | Seed | Cininnaa (colic), maxxantuu keessaa (endoparasites infections) | All domestic animals | Roasting and crushing | Oral | MF 027-2018 | Bloat, mucal diarrhea, bloody diarrhea [27]; anthelmintic [13]; tapeworm [12] |
Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (Myrtaceae) | Bargamoo adii | Tree | Leaf | Kirkirsuu (shivering), loss of appetite, michii (febrile illness) | Cattle | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF 028-2018 | Mich, lumpy skin disease [34]; ectoparasite [44]; blackleg [30]; avian cholera, influenza, skin disease, cough [12]; Salmonella pullorum, fowl cholera, coccidiosis, fowl typhoid, infectious coryza, Newcastle disease, fowl pox [36] |
Euphorbia sp. (Euphorbiaceae) | Adamii | Shrub | Sap | Madaa gogsuuf (wound), kormammuu (wart) | All domestic animals | Crushing | Topical | MF 049-2018 | |
Hagenia abyssinica (Bruce ex Steud.) J.F.Gmel. (Rosaceae) | Heexoo | Tree | Leaf | Maxxantuu keessaa (endoparasites infections) | All domestic animals | Crushing And Diluting | Orally | MF 038-2018 | Anthelmintic [13]; internal parasite, nasal bot [38]; GIT parasite [15]; tape worm in dogs [28]; GIT parasite [40]; taeniasis [14]; internal parasite [32]; intestinal worms [11]; fowl cholera, fowl typhoid and Newcastle disease [36]; internal parasites infection [17] |
Hypericum revolutum Vahl (Hypericaceae) | Hindhee | Tree | Leaf | Albaatii (diarrhea) | Cattle, sheep | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF048-2018 | Retained fetal membranes (RFM), metritis [40]; calf diarrhea [32] |
Juniperus procera Hochst. ex Endl. (Cupressaceae) | Gattiraa | Tree | Leaf | Maxxantuu alaa (ectoparasites infections) | All domestic animals | Crushing and squeezing | Topical (bathing) | MF 005-2018 | Trypanosomiasis [38]; retained placenta/fetal membrane [27]; diarrhea [4]; internal parasite, pasteurellosis [38]; abortion, irregular estrus [15]; abortion, irregular estrus, postpartum bleeding [40]; colic [17] |
Justicia schimperiana (Hochst. ex Nees) T. Anderson (Acanthaceae) | Sansallii | Shrub | Leaf | Albaatii keelloo (coccidiosis) | Poultry | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF 002-2018 | Wound [45]; diarrhea in hens, symptom of mouth, nose, and ocular discharge, blindness, depression, loss of appetence in hens [34]; rabies [6]; otitis [15]; jaundice, wound [28]; blackleg, rabies [8]; bloat, evil spirit [29]; diarrhea, blackleg, helminthic infection [7]; otitis, swollen of lymph node [40]; rabies, coccidiosis [9]; rabies [14]; dysentery [31]; rabies, blackleg, gonorrhea, malaria [12]; circling disease [39]; rabies, blackleg [17] |
Kalanchoe lanceolata (Forssk.) Pers. (Crassulaceae) | Bosoqqee | Herb | Stem | Itoo maalaa (swelling of dewlap) | Cattle | Unprocessed | Implantation | MF 006-2018 | |
Leonotis ocymifolia (Burm.f.) Iwarsson (Lamiaceae) | Bokkolluu | Herb | Leaf | Albaatii (diarrhea), michii (febrile illness) | All domestic animals | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF 019-2018 | Anthrax, blackleg [27]; anthrax [4]; blackleg [7] |
Lepidium sativum L. (Brassicaceae) | Feexoo | Herb | Seed | Bokoka (bloat), cininnaa (colic), maxxantuu keessaa (endoparasites infections) | All domestic animals | Grinding and diluting | Oral | - | Blackleg, diarrhea, bloat [34]; blackleg, colic, diarrhea, bloat, internal parasites, septicemia [6]; blackleg, bloat [15]; blackleg [7]; diarrhea, skin infection [7]; blackleg [40]; cough [14]; swelling, anthrax [31]; blackleg, colic, diarrhea, bloat, internal parasite [11]; cough, bloat, malaria, diarrhea, tonsillitis, heart disease [12]; trypanosomiasis, tsetse fly repellent [37]; Salmonella pullorum, fowl cholera, coccidiosis, fowl typhoid, infectious coryza, Newcastle disease, fowl pox [36] |
Linum usitatissimum L. (Linaceae) | Talbaa | Herb | Seed | Gogiinsa garaa (constipation), dhibee garaa (gastritis), dil'uu ture (retained placenta) | All domestic animals | Roasting, grinding and diluting | Oral | MF 020-2018 | Placenta retention [34]; retained fetal membrane [6]; retained fetal membrane [15]; urine retention, coccidiosis [29]; retained placenta, dandruff [12] |
Maesa lanceolata Forssk. (Myrsinaceae) | Abbayyii | Tree | Leaf and seed | Cittoo, madaa afaani (stomatitis) | Cattle | Crushing | Topical (painting) | MF 051-2018 | Mange, tick infestation, dermatophilosis, helminthiasis, parasitic leech [27]; eye problem [4]; babesiosis, mastitis, kidney problem, internal parasite, wound, cancer (tumor) [38]; diarrhea, blackleg [15]; internal parasite [7]; diarrhea, blackleg [40]; leech infestation [32]; eye disease, pasteurellosis [12]; leech infestation [10]; leech infestation [10]; bloat [39] |
Malva parviflora L. (Malvaceae) | Liitii | Herb | Root | Dil'uu ture (retained placenta) | Cattle, sheep | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF 013-2018 | Wound, anthrax [28] |
Millettia ferruginea (Hochst.) Baker (Fabaceae) | Birbirraa | Tree | Leaf | Hadhaandhula baasuf (leech infestation) | Cattle | Crushing and diluting | Nasal | MF 042-2018 | Ectoparasite [34]; diarrhea [4]; tsetse fly repellent [37]; trypanosomiasis [39] |
Nicotiana tabacum L. (Solanaceae) | Tamboo | Herb | Leaf | Hadhaandhula baasuf (leech infestation), bokoka (bloat) | Cattle, sheep | Crushing and diluting | Nasal, oral | Tick and leech infestation, snake bite, internal parasite, fever, wound infestation [26]; anthelmintic [13]; lice and some ectoparasite infestation, blackleg, trypanosomiasis, leech infestation, snake bite [6]; leech infestation, snake bite [15]; leech [35]; leech [8]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations, liver disease, snake bite, for fattening of cattle [7]; leech infestation [30]; leech infestation [40]; leech infestation, tapeworm [9]; cough, internal parasites [14]; leech infestation, scabies, lice infestation [31]; leech infestation [33]; leech infestation, tick infestation [32]; bloat, leech infestation, internal parasites, trypanosomiasis, eye infection, headache [12]; tick infestation [43]; leech infestation [10]; trypanosomiasis, tsetse fly repellent [37]; chicken depression [35]; trypanosomiasis, leech infestation [39]; snake poisoning, leech infestation [17] | |
Ocimum lamiifolium Hochst. ex Benth. (Lamiaceae) | Damakase | Shrub | Leaf | Kirkirsuu (shivering), qoqaa fuudhu (inappetence), michii (febrile illness) | Cattle | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF050-2018 | Bloat, mucal diarrhea, poor appetite, bloody diarrhea [27]; pasteurellosis (mich) [34]; diarrhea [4]; blackleg [15]; abdominal colic, blackleg, trypanosomiasis, respiratory manifestations [7]; blackleg [40]; dingetengya (sudden sickness), blackleg [11]; diarrhea [10]; blackleg, diarrhea [17] |
Olea europaea subsp. Cuspidata (Wall. & G.Don) Cif. (Oleaceae) | Ejersaa | Tree | Leaf | Biifaa (snake poisoning) | Cattle, sheep | Chewing | Topical (spraying) | MF 004-2018 | Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) [46]; mange, ringworm, lumpy skin disease [27]; lumpy skin disease (LSD), gait problem [34]; pasteurellosis, calf diarrhea [38]; arthritis [15]; eye infection [7]; arthritis, paralysis, back bone pains [40]; rabies, snake bite [9]; dermatological disease [11]; hemorrhoid [12]; diarrhea [42]; blackleg, pneumonia, and bloat [10]; chicken depression [35] |
Olinia rochetiana A.Juss. (Oliniaceae) | Dalachoo | Shrub | Leaf | Dhukkubii hir'isuf (pain) | All domestic animals | Chewing | Topical, oral | MF 033-2018 | Calf diarrhea, wound [38]; mastitis, pneumonia, and other swellings or internal organs problems [10] |
Plantago lanceolata L. (Plantaginaceae) | Qorxobbee | Herb | Leaf | Dhiiga dhaabuf (bleeding control) | All domestic animals | Squeezing | Topical | MF 016-2018 | Rabies [27]; trypanosomiasis [29]; skin cut [12] |
Ranunculus multifidus Forssk. (Ranunculaceae) | Marfataa | Herb | Root | Albaatii (diarrhea) | Sheep, cattle | Unprocessed | Tying | MF 026-2018 | Dermatophilosis [27]; mastitis, internal parasite, trypanosomiasis [38]; trypanosomiasis [39] |
Rhamnus prinoides L'Hér. (Rhamnaceae) | Geeshoo | Shrub | Leaf | Bokoka (bloat), hubaa qonqoo (tonsillitis) | Cattle, sheep | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF 025-2018 | Abscess swelling [34]; nasal bot [38]; leech infestation [40]; equine colic, leech infestation, dandruff [32]; salmonellosis [11]; skin fungal infection, wound [12]; chicken depression [35]; fowl cholera, coccidiosis, fowl typhoid and Newcastle disease [36]; diarrhea, internal parasite [5] |
Ricinus communis L. (Euphorbiaceae) | Hobo | Shrub | Leaf | Itoo (abscess), bu'aa (rectal prolapse) | All domestic animals | Chopping | Oral, topical | MF 021-2018 | Blackleg, retained fetal membrane, skin disease [26]; mange, scabies, ringworm, retained placenta/fetal membrane [27]; diarrhea in new born, wound, sudden sickness, bloat, skin rashes/dermatitis [34]; retained fetal membrane [2]; rabies [6]; blackleg, actinomycosis [15]; retained fetal membrane, rabies [8]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations [7]; blackleg, actinomycosis [40]; retained fetal membrane, rabies [9]; wound [31]; anthrax, sudden sickness, bloat, actinomycosis, ulceric lymphangitis, epizootic lymphangitis [12]; mastitis [10]; foot and mouth disease (FMD) [17]; abscess, retained fetal membrane [5] |
Rubus steudneri Schweinf. (Rosaceae) | Altufaa | Shrub | Leaf | Albaatii (diarrhea) | Cattle, sheep | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF 030-2018 | Bloat, mucal diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, blackleg [27]; bloat, diarrhea, blackleg, constipation with mucoid feces [34]; swelling [29] |
Rumex nepalensis Spreng. (Polygonaceae) | Shultii | Herb | Root | Cininnaa (colic) | All domestic animals | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF 012-2018 | Internal parasite, headache [26]; bloody diarrhea [34]; blackleg [4]; fire burn [31] stomachache, spider poison, amoeba [12]; cough [39]; internal parasites infection, external parasites infection, wound [17] |
Ruta chalepensis L. (Rutaceae) | Xeena adamii | Herb | Leaf, seed | Bokoka (bloat) | Cattle, sheep | Grinding | Oral | MF 011-2018 | Retained placenta, abdominal pain, snake bite [26]; blackleg [4]; blackleg, anthrax [40]; poisoning [14]; equine colic, abdominal pain [32]; ear pain, evil eye, heart failure [11]; stomachache [12]; wound [42]; chicken welling of head [35]; coccidiosis, fowl typhoid & Newcastle disease [36]; bloat [17]; colic, pasteurellosis [5] |
Salvia nilotica Juss. ex Jacq. (Lamiaceae) | Abbaa jarraa | Herb | Leaf | Albaatii (diarrhea) | All domestic animals | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF 015-2018 | Blackleg [4]; mastitis, wound [38] |
Senecio ochrocarpus Oliv. & Hiern (Asteraceae) | Monyoor | Herb | Leaf | Dhukkubii ijaa (eye infection) | All domestic animals | Chewing | Ocular | MF 032-2018 | |
Solanum marginatum L. f. (Solanaceae) | Hiddii | Shrub | Sap | Madaa dugdaa (back sore) | Horse | Squeezing | Topical | MF 034-2018 | Dermatophytes [4]; cough [29]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations [7]; blackleg [14]; wound, breathing problem, anthrax [31] |
Stephania abyssinica (Quart.-Dill. & A.Rich.) Walp. (Menispermaceae) | Kalalaa | Herb | Whole part | bokoka (bloat) | Cattle, sheep | Crushing and diluting | Oral | MF 037-2018 | Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), calf pneumonia [27]; anthrax, rabies, foot, and mouth disease [34]; blocking/difficult in urination [41]; mastitis, blackleg, trypanosomiasis [39]; rabies [17] |
Tragia plukenetii Radcl.-Sm. (Euphorbiaceae) | Dobbii | Herb | Root | Dil'uu ture (retained placenta) | Cattle, sheep | Crushing and diluting | Oral | - | Myiasis in goat [44] |
Verbascum sinaiticum Benth. (Scrophulariaceae) | Gurraa harree | Herb | Leaf | Abbaa gorbaa (blackleg), fedhii nyaataf (loss of appetite) | Cattle | Crushing and diluting | Oral | MF 046-2018 | Diarrhea, colic, snake bite, anthrax, wound, blackleg, myiasis, [34]; anthelmintic [13]; skin disease [6]; skin disease [15]; blackleg, swollen body, abdominal pain, loss of appetite [44]; wound [28]; thinning, rabies, trypanosomiasis, eye infection, mich [29]; cough [14]; wound, anthrax, dislocated bone [31]; anthrax [33]; febrile causal disease, heart disease, renal disease [11]; anthrax [17] |
Vernonia amygdalina Delile (Asteraceae) | Eebicha | Shrub | Leaf | Albaatii (diarrhea) | cattle, sheep, goat | Crushing and squeezing | Oral | MF 001-2018 | Trypanosomiasis, cough, wound, skin disease [26]; retained placenta/fetal membrane, CBPP [27]; colic, leech [34]; anthelmintic [13]; hepatitis [4]; lumpy skin disease, pasteurellosis, internal parasite [38]; GIT parasite, diarrhea, blackleg [15]; increase milk production [8]; diarrhea, blackleg, helminthic infection [7]; blackleg, respiratory manifestations, to improve milk production in cows, retained placenta [7]; GIT parasite, diarrhea, blackleg [40]; retained placenta [9]; wound [14]; equine colic, pasteurellosis, abdominal pain [32]; abdominal pain, mich, febrile disease [11]; internal parasites [42]; diarrhea and skin problem [10]; trypanosomiasis [37]; chicken watery diarrhea [35]; internal parasite, diarrhea, colic [39]; internal parasite, retained placenta [17]; diarrhea, internal parasites [5] |
Vernonia sp. (Asteraceae) | Osolee | Herb | Leaf | Maxxantuu alaa (ectoparasites infections) | All domestic animals | Unprocessed | Topical (bathing) | MF 008-2018 | |
Zehneria scabra Sond. (Cucurbitaceae) | Hiddaa adii | Herb | Whole part | Martee (contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP)) | Cattle | Unprocessed | Tying on the neck | MF 039-2018 | Mich, yoke sore, dermatitis [34]; blackleg, pasteurellosis [8]; thinning [29]; rabies, pasteurellosis [9]; cough, emaciation, lameness, alopecia, colic [14]; trypanosomiasis [32]; swelling, rabies [12]; chicken swelling of head [35] |
Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Zingiberaceae) | Zanjabilaa | Herb | Root | Cininnaa (colic), bokoka (bloat), dhukubbii ijaa (conjunctivitis) | All domestic animals | Crushing | Oral | - | Bloat, bloody diarrhea, poor appetite, mucal diarrhea [27]; colic, eye defect, diarrhea due to stomach parasite [34]; colic, diarrhea, bloat, internal parasites [6]; colic, diarrhea, bloat, internal parasites [15]; blackleg, pasteurellosis, abdominal pain, leech [8]; eye inflammation [7]; rabies, pasteurellosis, abdominal pain, leech infestation [9]; ascariasis, stomach disorder [14]; contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP)/cough [42]; Newcastle diseases (fengile) [35]; coccidiosis, fowl typhoid and Newcastle disease [36]; eye inflammation [17] |
- (Poaceae) | Hadduffaa | Herb | Whole part | Biifaa (snake poisoning) | All domestic animals | Chewing | Topical (spraying) | MF 010-2018 |
Note. Disease names in bold indicate the use of the corresponding medicinal plant for the same purpose elsewhere in Ethiopia.