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. 2021 Dec 2;11(3):273–297. doi: 10.1159/000519915

Table 6.

Summary table of included quantitative studies

Study Design duration of study Country/city setting Symptom of BPSD sample Intervention Control Effectiveness Safety Others
Ballard et al. [80]
Cameron et al. [65]
Fu et al. [69] Fujii et al. [68]
2-Armed Parallel 4 weeks
2-Armed Crossover
3 weeks' treatment A +1-week washout +3 weeks' treatment B
3-Armed Parallel
6 weeks +6 weeks' follow-up
2-Armed Parallel
4 weeks
Nursing homes UK
Inpatient unit
Australia Nursing homes
Long-term care hospital
Agitation n = 71
Subgroup sample: 35/36 Severe dementia Mean age 78.5 years (SD 8.1) Female 59.7%
General symptoms of BPSD n= 15
Subgroup sample: 6/9 Moderate-to-severe dementia
Disruptive behavior n = 67
Subgroup sample: 22/23/22 Mild-to-severe dementia Mean age 84 years (SD 6.36) Female 59%
General symptoms of BPSD n = 28
Subgroup sample: 14/14 Moderate-to-severe dementia Mean age 78 years (SD 10) Female 67.9%
Aromatherapy topical application
By a care assistant
2 times a day
1–2 min per time
10% Melissa essential oil
Aromatherapy topical application By nursing staff 2 times a day
1 min per time
<2% Melissa essential oil
Aromatherapy inhalation and massage
By a researcher and trained research assistants
2 times a day
3 sprays of mist to chest +5 min of massage
3% lavender mist Aromatherapy inhalation
2 times a day
3 sprays of mist to chest 3% lavender mist
Aromatherapy inhalation 3 times a day 2 h per time
100% lavender essential oil 2 drops into the collar
Placebo topical application By a care assistant 2 times a day 1–2 min per time 10% sunflower oil
Placebo topical application By nursing staff 2 times a day
1 min per time <1% geranium and 0.5% lemon oil
Placebo spray By researcher and trained research assistants
2 times a day Water spray to chest
No active treatment
Significant improvement dppc20.979
Irritability score and aberrant motor behavior score improved significantly in intervention than control QoL parameters Significant reduction in the % of time spent socially withdrawn and significant increase in the % of time engaged in constructive activities
No significant difference between intervention and control
Significant increase in the scores during the washout period NPI
No significant difference between intervention and control
Significant increase in the scores during the washout period PAS
No significant difference between intervention and control
Significant increase in the scores during the washout period
Mean scores reduced, but not significant No significant improvement with either intervention
Significant improvement dppc2 0.703
1 patient receiving aromatherapy topical application experienced 2 days diarrhea
Possible adverse effect not described
No adverse event was reported
No adverse event was reported
Adherence: weighing the bottles weekly, result not described Theoretical basis: not described
Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described
Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described
Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Lin et al. [67] 2-Armed Crossover
3 weeks' treatment A +2 weeks' washout +3 weeks' treatment B
Hong Kong
Care and attention homes
Agitation n = 70
Subgroup sample: 35/35 Mean age 78.29 years (SD 4.06) Female 58.6%
Aromatherapy inhalation By care and attention homes staff
1 time a day 1 h per time
100% lavender essential oil 2 drops in a diffuser, and 2 diffusers were placed one at each side of the pillow
Placebo inhalation By care and attention homes staff
1 time a day 1 h per times Sunflower oil 2 drops in a diffuser, and 2 diffusers were placed one at each side of the pillow
Significant improvement dppc20.244
No significant period and sequential effect CNPI
Significant improvement dppc20.674
No significant period effect and sequential effect
No adverse event was reported Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Mascherona et al. [75] 2-Armed Parallel 8–14 days Switzerland
Geriatrics department
General symptoms of BPSD n = 32
Subgroup sample: 16/16 Mean age 86.245 years (SD 6.522)
Female 68.7%
Aromatherapy inhalation and standard pharmacological treatment
By nurses
4 times a day
60 min per time
6 drops 100% sweet orange essential oil into mist diffuser at
07:00, 12:00, and 15:00
6 drops 100% lavender essential oil into diffuser at 20:00
Standard pharmacological treatment
Standard pharmacological treatment NPI-NH
Significant improvement dppc20.68
Distress scores among caregivers delivering aromatherapy inhalation decreased significantly
No adverse event was reported Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

O'Connor et al. [77] 2-Armed
3 days' treatment A
+4 days' washout +3 days treatment B + 4 days' washout
Australia Nursing homes Agitation n = 64
Subgroup sample: 37/27 Markedly cognitively impaired Mean age 77.6 years (SD 9.4) Female 59%
Aromatherapy topical application
By nursing staff
Whenever an agitated behavior was reported 2 min per time
30% lavender essential oil 2 mL per time
Placebo topical application By nursing staff Whenever an agitated behavior was reported 2 min per time Jojoba oil 2 mL per time Behavioral count Agitated behavior counts were lower with intervention than with control, approaching statistical significance (p = 0.057)
No significant treatment-time interactions Philadelphia Geriatric Center Affect Rating Scale Counts of positive effect
No adverse event was reported Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Smallwood et al. [71] 3-Armed Parallel 4 weeks UK
Disordered behavior n = 20
Subgroup sample: 7/7/7 (1 dropout not described in which group)
Severe dementia
Mean age 66.8 years (SD 11.5)
Female 57.1%
Aromatherapy massage By aromatherapist 2 times per week
1 h per time
Lavender essential oil massage Conversation and aromatherapy inhalation
By an aromatherapist
2 times per week 1 h per time
Conversation and lavender essential oil by diffuser
Placebo massage By aromatherapist 2 times per week 1 h per time Plain oil massage were higher in all intervention than control periods but not to significantly different degrees
Video recorded behavior No overall group differences
Negligible side effects Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Turten Kaymaz and Ozdemir [83] 2-Armed Parallel 4 weeks Turkey
Patients' homes
28 patients +28 primary caregivers
Subgroup sample: 14/14 patient-caregiver pairs Mode rate-to-severe dementia Patients mean age 78.11 years (SD 7.45)
Patient female 64.3%
Aromatherapy massage and inhalation
Aromatherapy massage by an aromatherapist
3 times per week
5 min per time
Mixture of lemongrass and eucalyptus essential oil Aromatherapy inhalation by primary caregivers 1 time a day 1 h per time
6 drops 100% lavender essential oil to the diffuser located in the patient's room 1 m from the bed
No intervention CMAI
Significant improvement in intervention than control NPI
Significant improvement in intervention than control
Significant improvement for caregiver distress in intervention than control ZBI
Significant improvement in intervention than control
Negligible side effects Adherence: Monitored by massage and inhalation monitoring form, fully compliance was reported Theoretical basis: not described

Yang et al. [47] 2-Armed Parallel
8 weeks
Long-term care facilities
Agitation, depression n = 56
Subgroup sample: 27/29 Mean age 92 years (SD 7) Female 61%
Aromatherapy massage
By trained research assistants
1 time per week
30 min per time
6% essential oil blend
Regular activities
Delay intervention Regular activities Aromatherapy massage was provided after completion of study CCMAI
No significant difference between groups regarding overall agitation CSDD-C
Significant improvement dppc20.87
2 participants in the intervention group withdrew due to discomfort after the first aromatherapy massage session Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Yang et al. [48]; Yang et al. [78] 3-Armed Parallel
4 weeks' +3 weeks' follow-up
Retirement homes for veterans and long-term care facilities
Agitation, depression n = 186
Subgroup sample: 56/73/57 Mean age 84.08 years (SD 5.67) Female 26.3%
Aromatherapy acupressure 5 days per week, 1 time per day No longer than 15 min per time 2.5% lavender essential oil Aromatherapy topical application
5 days per week, 1 time per day No longer than 15 min per time 2.5% lavender essential oil
No intervention CMAI
Both interventions have significant improvement Acupressure dppc2 0.491 Topical application dppc2 0.728
Posttest score lower than post-3-week score CSDD
Both interventions have significant improvement Acupressure dppc2 0.967 Topical application dppc2 1.583
Posttest score lower than post-3-week score HRV
Aromatherapy acupressure was better able to inhibit the sympathetic nervous system and increase the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system compared with aromatherapy topical application
Negligible side effects Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Yoshiyama et al. [82] 2-Armed Crossover
4 weeks' treatment A +4 weeks' washout + 4 weeks' treatment B +4 weeks' follow-up
Nursing homes
General symptoms of BPSD n = 12
Subgroup sample: 7/5
Mean age 82.8 years (SD 9.503)
Female 100%
Aromatherapy massage
By a single researcher and an aromatherapist
3 times per week
10 min per time
1–2% essential oil blend
Placebo massage By a single researcher and an aromatherapist 3 times per week 10 min per time Jojoba oil CMAI
No significant change for either therapy
No significant change for either therapy
The symptoms related to depression improved, but not statistically significantly, after the trials No significant change for either therapy
Negligible side effects Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Quasi-experimental studies

Beshara and Giddings
One-group pretest-posttest
6 months
Long-term care facility
Agitation n = 10 Female 50% Aromatherapy inhalation 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. daily Monday through Saturday with Sundays having no essential oil treatments
1 drop essential oil blend in diffuser
Effect of clinical aromatherapy in dementia populations is widely variable
Possible adverse effect not described Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Gray and Clair [74] Within-subjects 16 days USA
Residential-care facilities
Difficult-to-manage behaviors n = 13
Female 46.2%
Aromatherapy/ Placebo Inhalation
Participants took their morning medications under 4 randomly ordered conditions: lavender, sweet orange, tea tree, or no aroma (placebo control)
Each of the conditions was repeated 4 times for a total of 16 administrations
20 min before medications were dispensed, a cotton ball containing an essential oil or without oil (the control condition) was taped to the lapel of each participant
No statistically significant differences in frequencies of resistive behaviors across the four conditions
Possible adverse effect not described Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Holmes et al. [70] Within-subjects 2 weeks UK
Long-stay psychogeriatric ward
Agitation n = 15
Severe dementia
Mean age 79.0 years (SD 6.3)
Female 60%
Aromatherapy/placebo inhalation
1 time per day
2 h per time
2% lavender essential oil (intervention) or water (control) by diffuser, on alternate days A total of 5 aromatherapy and 5 placebo trials were carried out for each patient
Significant improvement in intervention than control
Possible adverse effect not described Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Lee and Lee [81] Nonequivalent control group 2 weeks Korea
Hospitals and nursing homes
Anxiety, aggressive behavior, and wandering behavior n = 43
Subgroup sample: 21/22 Mean age 77.7 years Female 62.8%
Aromatherapy massage
By the researcher and trained mental health nurses with aromatherapist certificates
1 time per day, 5 times a week
20 min per time
2% essential oil blend
Delay intervention After completing data collection, intervention was administered to the control group RAID
Significant improvement in intervention than control dppc2 0.761
Ryden aggression scale Significant improvement in intervention than control dppc2 0.42
Algase wandering scale V2 Significant improvement in intervention than control dppc21.37
Possible adverse effect not described Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Moorman Li et al. [72] One-group pretest-posttest
2 months
Day-care center
Behavioral issues (restlessness/wandering, agitation, anger, and anxiety) n = 23
Mean age 83 years Female 65.3%
Aromatherapy inhalation 2 times per day 20 min per time
Lavender essential oil in diffuser
Behavior/intervention monthly flow record No. of behavioral issues was lower in the postintervention period, but did not reach statistical significance
In the analysis of individual behavioral issues, there was a statistically significant difference found for the frequency of agitation
No adverse effect reported Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Ogun-Semore [73] One-group pretest-posttest
8 weeks
Long-term care setting
Agitation n = 19
Mean age 72 years(SD 8.30) Female 26.3%
Aromatherapy inhalation
4 times a week
Cotton napkins with lavender essential oil placed on the table in-between each of the participants
Agitation with unknown instrument
Statistically significant difference between the pre- and postintervention average ratings of the level of agitation
Possible adverse effect not described Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Snow et al. [66] Within-subjects
4 weeks' baseline measurement + 2 weeks for each of the
5 treatment conditions (total 10 weeks) +2 weeks' postintervention measurement
Long-term care facility
Agitation n = 7
Advanced dementia
Aromatherapy/placebo inhalation 3 times per day
Treatment conditions order: ABCBA (A = lavender essential oil, B = thyme essential oil, C = unscented grapeseed oil); all participants received all aromas in the same order
A 2 × 2 inch absorbent fabric sachet was securely pinned to the front of each participant's shirt near the collarbone
2 drops 100% essential oil or unscented grapeseed oil
Modified CMAI No treatment effect Possible adverse effect not described Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Takeda et al. [45] Within-subjects 20-day control +20-day intervention Japan
Residential-care facilities
Sleep disturbance n = 19
Mean age 80.7 years (SD 9.1) Female 47.4%
Aromatherapy/placebo inhalation By researcher
3 types of essential oils were used for aromatherapy: (1) lavender, (2) lavender and sweet orange oil blend, and (3) Japanese cypress, Virginian cedarwood, cypress, and pine oil blend
Essential oil used was selected by participants Researcher visited each participant in his or her room between 18:00 and 20:00 every day and wrapped a towel with essential oil/nothing on it around the subject's pillow before the participant went to bed
No significant difference between intervention and control
SL: no significant differences
TST: significant improvement seen with the main effect of the control and intervention periods, but no significant difference was seen with the main effect of time or period × time
SE: no significant difference
DLSSP: Significant improvement with the main effect of the control and intervention periods, but no significant difference was seen with the main effect of time or period × time
WTASO: no significant difference
EMA: a significant difference between the control and intervention periods
Possible adverse effect not described Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

One-group pretest-posttest
4 weeks
Outpatient adult day program setting
Anxiety n = 15
Mild dementia Age 65–84 Female 60%
Aromatherapy massage By a researcher 3 times a week 10 min per time
0.5% lavender essential oil 20 mL
No significant changes between pretest and posttest on 8 items 4 items showed an increase between pre and post: anxious mood, intellectual, GI symptoms, and behavior at intervention The increase in GI symptoms was statistically significant Two items showed a decrease between pre and post: autonomic symptoms and depressed mood
The decrease in depressive mood was statistically significant
Overall, there was no statistically significant difference
Possible adverse effect not described Adherence: not described Theoretical basis: not described

Zalomonson et al. [79] Nonequivalent control group Crossover 4 months: month 1 oil A on face→ month 2 oil A on foot → month 3 oil B on foot → month 4 oil B on face Israel
Psychogeriatric long-term care departments
General symptoms of BPSD n = 42
Subgroup sample: 22/20 Mean age 76.1 years (SD 11.2) Female 57.2%
Aromatherapy topical application
By nurses
3 times a day
1–2 min per time
2 drops lavender essential oil
Placebo topical application By nurses 3 times a day 1–2 min per time 2 drops sunflower seed oil NPI
No significant difference between intervention and control
Use of psychotropic drugs No significant difference between intervention and control
1 patient with exacerbation of chronic pulmonary disease while on placebo, there were 20 reported adverse events during intervention period (3 nausea, 13 sleepiness, 1 gait instability, 2 skin irritation, 1 fall) Adherence: adherence rate was
96.4%±7.9% Theoretical basis: not described

RCTs, randomized controlled trials; PWD, persons with dementia; BPSD, behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia; NPI, Neuropsychiatric Inventory; SD, standard deviation; CMAI, Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory; PAS, Pittsburgh Agitation Scale; CSDD, Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia; ZBI, Zarit Burden Interview.