Low bone mass in mice lacking Panx1 in osteoclasts. A. Presence of the deleted Panx1 form was detected by PCR. Each lane corresponds to an individual female or male Panx1fl/fl animal expressing (+) or not (−) the Cre recombinase under the control of the TRAP promoter. The first lane corresponds to a DNA ladder, and selected DNA sizes (base pairs, bp) are marked. Red arrow points at the expected size for the intact Panx1 gene (1092 bp), and the black arrow, the size of the gene after deletion (339 bp). BM-derived osteoclasts: non-adherent cells treated with RANKL/MCSF for 4 days; BM stromal osteoblastic cells: bone marrow-derived adherent cells; ♀: females; ♂: males. B. Total, spinal, and femoral BMD were measured by Dxa/Piximus in female and male Panx1ΔOC mice and Panx1fl/fl mice at 4 weeks of age. C. Body weight measured at the time of Dxa measurement, and lean and fat body mass calculated from the Dxa scan of the same mice. N = 11–12/group. Bars indicate means and lines standard deviations, and each dot corresponds to an individual sample. *: p < 0.05 vs. Panx1fl/fl mice for the same sex.