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. 2021 Dec 24;12:727756. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.727756


Protein identification from Naja samarensis venom fractions isolated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using nano-ESI-LCMS/MS.

RP-HPLC derived fractions/Protein name Database accession Species annotated Protein score Relative abundance (%)
Fraction 1 65.87
Short neurotoxin 1 P60774 N. samarensis 96.24 27.93
Short neurotoxin 1 P01424 N. melanoleuca 42.31 34.87
Cobrotoxin P60770 N. atra 22.22 3.07
Fraction 2 3.86
Muscarinic toxin-like protein 2 P82463 N. kaouthia 46.73 3.86
Fraction 3 4.46
Weak toxin CM-2 P01415 N. haje 17.79 4.46
Fraction 4 3.98
Acidic phospholipase A2 natratoxin A4FS04 N. atra 68.39 1.93
Acidic phospholipase A2 D Q9I900 N. sputatrix 57.64 1.83
Cytotoxin 1 P01467 N. mossambica 40.65 0.11
Cytotoxin 3 P01470 N. mossambica 37.27 0.11
Fraction 5 6.93
Cytotoxin 2 P01441 N. oxiana 162.93 1.86
Cytotoxin 10 P86541 N. naja 78.78 0.65
Cytotoxin 2 P01445 N. kaouthia 74.29 0.37
Cytotoxin SP15c P60308 N. atra 73.38 3.26
Cytotoxin homolog P14541 N. kaouthia 59.57 0.15
Cytotoxin 1 P01467 N. mossambica 50.54 0.27
Venom nerve growth factor 2 Q5YF89 N. sputatrix 30.51 0.13
Hemextin A P0DQH3 H. haemachatus 18.59 0.23
Cysteine-rich venom protein ophanin Q7ZT98 O. hannah 16.61 0.01
Fraction 6 9.36
Cytotoxin 2 P01441 N. oxiana 108.69 1.00
Cytotoxin 2a P86538 N. naja 62.12 1.74
Cytotoxin 1 P01447 N. naja 52.31 5.87
Cytotoxin 1 P01467 N. mossambica 30.39 0.70
Zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like atrase-B D6PXE8 N. atra 24.83 0.07
Fraction 7 5.54
L-amino-acid oxidase P81383 O. hannah 111.89 0.26
Natrin *CL2736.Contig1_NsM2 N. atra 100.47 0.42
Cysteine-rich venom protein natrin-1 Q7T1K6 N. atra 78.40 0.33
Cysteine-rich venom protein ophanin Q7ZT98 O. hannah 65.76 0.16
Cysteine-rich venom protein ophanin-like XP_026568636.1 P. textilis 48.83 0.14
Zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like atrase-A D5LMJ3 N. atra 79.58 0.21
Metalloproteinase atrase A  *CL115.Contig7_NkT N. atra 41.01 0.20
Metalloproteinase B5G6F7 D. vestigiata 49.02 0.15
Zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like MTP4 F8RKW1 D. coronoides 19.50 1.22
Zinc metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like atrase-B D6PXE8 N. atra 22.21 2.22
Hemorrhagic metalloproteinase-disintegrin-like kaouthiagin P82942 N. kaouthia 22.92 0.10
Ohanin P83234 O. hannah 20.66 0.13

Relative abundance (%) refers to the abundance of individual proteins in a fraction, which was estimated based on the mean spectral intensity (MSI) of the peptide ions and the peak area under curve of its corresponding chromatographic fractions. Bold values are subtotals of protein abundances per fraction.

*Protein codes with suffix “_NsM2” and “_NkT” indicate venom proteins identified based on tryptic peptides matched to sequence from an in-house transcript database containing RNAseq, specific for the following: NsM: Naja sumatrana, Malaysia and NkT: Naja kaouthia, Thailand. Mass spectrometric data and peptide sequences are available in Supplemental file.

Abbreviations: D. coronoides, Drysdalia coronoides; D. vestigiata, Demansia vestigiata; H. haemachatus, Hemachatus haemachatus; N. atra, Naja atra; N. haje, Naja haje; N. kaouthia, Naja kaouthia; N. melanoleuca, Naja melanoleuca; N. mossambica, Naja mossambica; N. naja, Naja naja; N. oxiana, Naja oxiana; N. samarensis, Naja samarensis; N. sputatrix, Naja sputatrix; NCBI, National Centre for Biotechnology Information; O. hannah, Ophiophagus hannah; P. textilis, Pseudonaja textilis; RP-HPLC, reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography.