Table 4.
Facilitating components and difficulties
Facilitating components | Difficulties |
Educators | |
“The preworkshop was essential and interesting.” “The discussions and exchanges within the large group and within the subgroups of disciplines encouraged the emergence of questions, challenges, limits and strengths of this approach” “Numerous easily accessible practice guides” “Cohesion and collegiality of the group” |
“The objectives of some clerkships rotation were not always available and accessible. It could help to emulate the situations.” “Need to spend more time than expected on the whole process of creating vignettes, hypotheses, and discussions among colleagues to resolve some clinical ambiguities.” |
Panelists | |
“Simple vignette, not very complex” “Short, well-constructed vignettes on a variety of topics that are common in practice” “The situations submitted were very relevant” “Online platform easy to use and well done” “Clinical experience and theoretical knowledge helped me” |
“Adequately justify a response, despite some gray areas and uncertainty about the appropriate course of action” “Determine my level of agreement with the statement” “Give precise and clear comments” “Make decisions despite the absence of certain discriminatory information that I would have sought in a real clinical situation” “Sometimes several answers seemed possible to me” “Some clinical situations were outside my area of expertise” “The vagueness left by the clinical situations allowing a significant interpretation according to the answers given” |