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. 2021 Jul 28;9(4):208–214. doi: 10.1016/j.prnil.2021.06.001

Table 1.

Characteristics of patients

No. patients 318
Median age at diagnosis (range) (years) 73 (46–93)
Median initial PSA (range) (ng/ml) 450.3 (2.3–24913.3)
Gleason score sum, n (%)
 ≤7 13 (4.1)
 8 75 (23.6)
 ≥9 204 (64.2)
 undiagnosed 26 (8.2)
T stage, n (%)
 ≤2c 76 (23.9)
 ≥3a 242 (76.1)
N stage, n (%)
 positive 207 (65.1)
M stage, n (%)
 1b/1c 259 (81.4)/59 (18.6)
EOD score, n (%)
 0 14 (4.5)
 1 59 (18.9)
 2 92 (29.4)
 3 121 (38.7)
 4 27 (8.6)
location of visceral metastasis, n (%)
 liver 6 (1.9)
 lung 53 (16.7)
Median baseline blood examination
 Hb (range) (g/dl) 13.0 (5.5–17.0)
 LDH (range) (U/l) 208 (126–3896)
 ALP (range) (U/l) 408 (102–21417)
 NLR (range) 2.6 (0.73–10.34)
 CRP (range) (mg/dl) 0.2 (0.01–24.9)
CHAARTED high volume, n (%)a 294 (92.5)
LATITUDE high risk, n (%)b 292 (91.8)
Median progression-free survival (months) 12.7
Median overall survival (months) 59.2
Progression-free survival rate (%) 3-yr: 23.3%
5-yr: 14.1%
Overall survival rate (%) 3-yr: 69.4%
5-yr: 49.2%

ALP, alkaline phosphatase; CRP, C-reactive protein; EOD, extent of disease; Hb, haemoglobin; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; NLR, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio; PSA, prostate-specific antigen.


Defined as the presence of visceral metastases or 4 bone lesions with ≥1 beyond the vertebral bodies and pelvis.


Defined as the presence of two of the three following factors: GS ≥8, ≥3 bone lesions, measurable visceral metastasis.