Comparison of the positions of waters in the Large channel and differences associated with PsbV. (A) Superposition of the T. vulcanus PSII structure (gray sticks, PDB 3ARC) with its Large channel and associated waters colored in yellow and the Synechocystis 6803 PSII structure in colors (waters are colored red). Due to nonconserved C-terminal residues in PsbV, PsbV-Tyr159 of Synechocystis 6803 blocks the network of waters found in T. vulcanus, which also causes a shift in the orientation of D1-Glu329 in Synechocystis 6803. The water wheel, previously suggested to be important for substrate water delivery, is shown as a circular arrow. Red arrows denote those water positions that are not conserved in the Synechocystis 6803 PSII structure. (B) Sequence similarity of PsbV comparing Synechocystis 6803 with T. vulcanus. High to low identity is shown as thin and green to thick and red ribbons, respectively. The stick model of PsbV-Tyr159 is labeled. (C) Partial sequence alignment of PsbV from Synechocystis 6803 and T. vulcanus. The PsbV-Tyr159 designated in B is shown in the sequence alignment with a black arrow. The overall sequence identity between the two full PsbV sequences is 41.25%. Sequence alignments and identity were generated with Clustal Omega (47), and conservation identifiers are shown below the alignment.