Molecular Machinery posters produced in 2002 (left) and 2014 (right). The enormous range of molecular shapes and sizes in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) is illustrated by these molecular machines. The first poster was one of the earliest outreach projects from the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics PDB, in addition to the Molecule of the Month (MOTM) series. This printed poster was distributed to thousands of PDB users, teachers, and students over the years. The graphic was updated in 2014 to celebrate the milestone of 100,000 released PDB structures. The updated version reflects the increase in structural complexity in the archive and demonstrates PDB‐101's emphasis on storytelling. Structures are depicted relative to the cellular membrane and organized in various categories related to function. A scale bar provides a sense of molecular size in nanometers. The 2014 edition is available as a poster, flyer, and interactive animation; most of the structures shown are highlighted in MOTM articles. All related materials are available from‐posters‐and‐other‐resources/flyer/molecular‐machinery‐a‐tour‐of‐the‐protein‐data‐bank