Fig 6. Correlation between morpho-physiological traits, Zn and Fe contents with Cr uptake in different parts of B. napus.
Different abbreviations used in this figure are as follow: H2O2-R (H2O2 initiation in roots), H2O2-L (H2O2 initiation in leaves), CR-R (Cr contents in roots), MDA-L (MDA contents in leaves), CR-S (Cr contents in leaves), MDA-R (MDA contents in roots), EL-R (electrolyte leakage in roots), RL (root length), PH (plant height), TR (transpiration rate), NP (net photosynthesis), SOD-L (SOD activity in leaves), Zn-R (Zn contents in roots), Carot (carotenoid contents), SC (stomatal conductance), APX-L (APX activity in leaves), WUE (water use efficiency), POD-L (POD activity in leaves), LFW (leaves fresh weight), RFW (root fresh weight), RDW (root dry weight), Fe-S (Fe contents in shoots), Chl (total chlorophyll contents), Fe-R (Fe contents in roots), POD-R (POD activity in roots), NOL (number of leaves), LA (leaf area), CAT-R (CAT activity in roots), SOD-R (SOD activity in roots), CAT-L (CAT activity in leaves) APX-R (APX activity in roots) and Zn-S (Zn contents in shoots).