Fig 3. Whole genome sequence results.
In each image Banfora-O is green and Banfora-R is yellow Banfora-S is blue. (a) Nucleotide diversity per population (π) and per individual (heterozygosity, H) along the length of each chromosome in 1 Mb windows. Diversity is similar among populations and overall (grey at bottom) but is heterogeneous along chromosomes suggestive of large haplotype blocks (b) PCA plot of chromosome 3R, chosen to represent the autosomal genome outside of large inversions (c) Frequency of inversion status in each population (d) Gene duplication scans showing the proportion of each population containing the two detected duplications. Significance calculated by Fisher’s exact test. * = p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001, ns. indicates non-significance.