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. 2022 Jan 8;39(3):875–913. doi: 10.1007/s00371-021-02352-7

Table 6.

Quantitative comparison of pneumonia and pneumothorax detection methods. Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), F1-score, and the area under curve (AUC) are reported for comparison. SGD is the abbreviation for stochastic gradient descent, ReLu for rectified linear unit, lr for learning rate, and AF for activation function

Method Optimizer AF LR Scheduling Images size Pre-processing step Dataset Technique DSC F1-Score AUC
DL [135] Adam Sigmoid lr = 0.001 that is decreased by factor of 10 when validation loss is not improved 224 × 224 Image normalization CXR-14 DenseNet-121, transfer learning 43.5
DL [77] SGD lr = 0.00105 512 × 512 Random scaling, shift in coordinate space, brightness and contrast adjustment, blurring with Gaussian blur RSNA ResNet50, ResNet101, mask-RCNN, data augmentation
DL [133] Gradient Descent ReLu, Softmax lr = 0.0003 224 × 224, 227 × 227 Image resize and augmentation Kaggle [112] AlexNet, ResNet-18, DenseNet-201, SqueezeNet, transfer learning, data augmentation, cross-validation 93.5 95.0
DL [43] Adam lr = 0.00001 with learning rate decrease factor of 0.2 512 × 512 Image resizing and data augmentation techniques such as scaling, shear and rotation CXR-14 single-shot detector RetinaNet with Se-ResNext101, cross-validation
DL [37] ReLu, Softmax lr = 0.00001 227 × 227 Image resizing CXR-14 VGG-19, CWT, DWT, GLCM, transfer learning, SVM-linear, SVM-RBF, KNN classifier, RF, DT 92.15
DL [158] Adam ReLu, Sigmoid lr = 0.001 with β1= 0.9 and β2= 0.999 224 × 224 Image normalization, resizing, cropping and data augmentation CheXpert DenseNet-122, transfer learning 70.8
DL [176] Adam ReLu, Softmax lr = 0.0005 with β1= 0.9, β2= 0.999 768 × 768, 1024 × 1024 Image normalization and data augmentation with random Gamma correction, random brightness and contrast change, CLAHE, motion blur, median blur, horizontal flip, random shift, random scale, and random rotation SIIM-ACRa, MC UNet, SE-Resnext-101, EfficientNet-B3, transfer learning 88.0
DL [1] Adam ReLu, Sigmoid lr = 0.001 which is relatively dropped per epoch using the cosine annealing learning rate technique 256 × 256, 512 × 512 Image resizing, normalization and data augmentation using horizontal flip, one of random contrast, random gamma, and random brightness, one of elastic transform, grid distortion, and optical distortion SIIM-ACRb UNet, ResNet-34, transfer learning, stochastic weight averaging 83.56