Figure 4: MS4 Survey Responses.
To assess user satisfaction, participants were asked to complete an anonymous survey consisting of 6 yes/no/unsure questions following completion of the PALMs: Overall, did you find the dermatology modules to be useful? Did the dermatology modules make you feel more confident with describing skin lesions? Did the dermatology modules make you feel more confident with recognizing common diagnoses? Did completing the modules on the first day of your dermatology rotation help you to learn more effectively in clinic? Were the modules an appropriate length? Would it be helpful to have modules like this designed for other subjects in the curriculum? Students thought the PALMs were useful, that they increased their confidence in both lesion description and diagnosis, and helped them to learn more effectively during their clinical rotation. Although a majority thought the PALMs took too long to complete, they overwhelmingly wanted similar modules designed for other subjects in the curriculum.