Figure 3.
Final size ratios (a,c) and frequency of evictions (b,d) in n = 10 000 forward simulations of Model 2, in which decisions about growth suppression can evolve. ‘No effect’ refers to simulations in which conflict had no effect on growth and there was no probability of eviction. Top (a,b): the effect of relative size on the outcome of a tug-of-war over growth, y. Bottom (c,d): the effect of suppression on partner growth, C. Unless otherwise specified, A = 0.05, C = 0.25, D = 0.00323, αs = 0.5, b = 2/3, z = 0.5, u = 1, y = 2, h = 0.8, q = 0.02, T = 25, ε = 1, mmax = 100, v = 0.05, ld = 0.9, ls = 0.5, mn/md = 0.5. (Online version in colour.)