Fig. 7.
Anti-AML potency of Exo-miR-7-5p agomir in vivo. A Schematic diagram of in vivo experimental design. B Ex vivo imaging also revealed that these exosomes derived from BMSCs have active targeting properties to the bone marrow compared to PBS. a PBS, b Exo-NC agomir and c Exo-miR-7-5p agomir. C Representative images of leukemic bone marrow tissue after H&E staining of mice executed on day 34 by injecting PBS through tail vein, Exo-NC agomir and Exo-miR-7-5p agomir, respectively. Scale bar: 50 μm. D Spleen size and weight after the sacrifice of all mice on day 34 after treatment of the tested mice with a PBS, b Exo-NC agomir and c Exo-miR-7-5p agomir, respectively. E Tumor burden (CD45 and CD33) of splenic leukemic cell infiltration by immunofluorescence. F, G The animals were under the treatment of PBS, Exo-NC agomir and Exo-miR-7-5p agomir, respectively, and TUNEL (yellow) and Ki-67 (pink) of the bone marrow group were detected by immunofluorescence after the mice were executed on day 34. Scale bar: 50 μm