38-year-old woman with history of Hodgkin lymphoma treated previously with mediastinal radiation admitted for workup of new seizures (case 1). Video S1, also from this case, can be viewed in the AJR electronic supplement to this article, available at 10.2214/AJR.20.24012.
A and B, Axial time-of-flight (A) and arterial spin-labeling (B) MRA images show hyperintensity (arrowheads) in left jugular foramen.
C, Coronal time-resolved contrast subtraction MRA image of neck shows early retrograde flow into left internal jugular vein (IJV) extending to jugular foramen, pterygoid plexus (PP), interior petrosal sinus (IPS), and sigmoid sinus (SS).
D, MRA image acquired in later phase than C shows normal opacification of arterial system with no shunting or hypertrophied external carotid artery branches and lagging contrast at level of left IJV valve (arrow).
E, Angiogram obtained after selective injection of left common carotid artery shows no dural arteriovenous fistula.
F, Chest CT image obtained 14 days before E shows patent brachiocephalic vein (BCV) and superior vena cava (SVC) with evidence of substantial postradiation change in adjacent lung parenchyma (arrows).