Figure 5.
BIRC3 influences tumor initiation and progression in GBM orthotopic xenograft model. GBM Intracranial models with control, BIRC3-OE and BIRC3-KO U251 cells. (A). Horizontal axial MRI scan of mouse brain tumors 4 weeks after implantation. Two of BIRC3-OE mice were already dead at 4 weeks. (B). Tumor size calculation from MRI scan. n = 5. (C). Kaplan-Meier survival curve of U251 control BIRC3-OE and BIRC3-KO intracranial injection mice. n = 5 mice/group. (D). Mice were sacrificed at different timepoints and brain tissues of U251 control and BIRC3-OE groups were fixed in 10% neutral formalin. H&E staining and BIRC3 immunohistochemistry was performed as described in the Material and Methods Section 4. Five mice were included in this histological study and similar results were observed in each animal. (E). When mice were sacrificed, part of tumor tissues were isolated. mRNA from tumor tissues were extracted. BMP4, CD133 and ABCG2 mRNA expression analyzed by real-time PCR in extracted tumor tissues. n = 3, * p < 0.05.